Tag Archives: full-on-face

Danni Minogue From Her Bad Side of the Day

I spent the other night watching X-Factor auditions. I have no idea why, but the funny thing about it was that they only shot Danni Minogue from her right side. No matter what year it was from, no matter how many hours I spent watching clip after clip after clip, the bitch never showed the left side of her face. I assumed it had to do with her contract thanks to some botched Michael Jackson surgery that I am pretty sure she’s got, or maybe the cunt is just vain and high maintenance, but if you are like me, and have no TV, but a lot of time on your hands, google the shit and you will see…. So in a lot of ways, this is like a Muslim bitch showing some ankle or chin, you know the forbidden fruit you don’t know what you’re getting until it’s too late and you’re married to her and, all cuz I get to see her full on face, and like a Muslim, I can’t send her back, the damage is done, after I realize I got a shitty end of the deal but you have to stay with her in a no turning back kind of way…unless she shames the family, at which point we can have her killed… I guess none of this matters, I mean it’s Danni Minogue, who the fuck is she and why the fuck am I posting on her, really. So what, her sister did the Locomotion. Big fucking deal.

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Danni Minogue From Her Bad Side of the Day