Consider this the calm before the storm. Starting later tonight in limited preview and rolling out in full on Thursday, movie geeks of all shapes, sizes, creeds and fan-bases will hit San Diego for Comic-Con 2011. Only some geeks — and here at Movieline, we use that term as lovingly as possible — are already waiting for the fun to start. Hey, they don’t call ’em Twi-hards for nothing!
When it was announced that Sony was going forward with a reboot of the Spider-Man franchise so soon after director Sam Raimi placed his mark on Peter Parker, many eyebrows were raised at the timing. After all, Spider-Man 3 came out in 2007, a mere four summers ago — it’s not like people are clamoring for reboots of other 2007 blockbusters like Ocean’s 13 or Live Free or Die Hard . (Or maybe they are?) Regardless, we’re here now, and The Amazing Spider-Man is scheduled to hit theaters next summer. Does the new teaser offer anything that Raimi’s Spider-Man films did not?
I don’t love Black Swan . I barely even enjoy it! I barely even get what there is to enjoy. It boasts the hammiest dialogue of the past Oscar season? It’s the most transparent psychodrama in film history? It can’t establish a tone, a fully believable character, or consistency because it resorts to camp at every turn? I just don’t know. But if Friends With Benefits star Mila Kunis ever starred in a Bad Movie We Love, it’s this. (Sorry, Krippendorf’s Tribe — you’re just bad.) There’s an argument for its inclusion in our weekly feature, and reservations aside, I’m picking out five utterly bizarre instances in Black Swan that justify that inclusion. I will now recite them diplomatically!