Tag Archives: getting-bored

Pippa Middelton Slut Watch Continues of the Day

I’m getting bored of waiting on this bitch. The time has come that she starts slutting it up. It’s got to the point in this one-sided relationship where she’s gotta put out or I’m gonna throw her out…I’m bored of seeing her acting unphased by her sister, I’m bored of her repressing her feelings of inadequacies, I’m bored she hasn’t become a party slut exposing her vagina to piss off her family….Pippa, I don’t know if I can quit you, but I’m gonna fucking try if you don’t switch things up ASAP. Here’s some Kate Middleton….or Catherine as she’s been renamed when she made the transition of pauper to princess like she was a shitty Disney Movie….to motivate Pippa to step it the fuck up..it’s her time to shine..

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Pippa Middelton Slut Watch Continues of the Day

More Kelly Brook Bikini Pictures

I want to say that I’m getting bored with writing about Kelly Brook in her bikini every day, but that would be an outright lie. I love this crap. I get to look at pictures of Kelly’s sweet tits in a bikini for a living. I’m not going to get treated like a pervert because the company’s porn filters flagged my computer and the HR lady made me apologize to every woman and a couple of overly sensitive men in the office for creating a hostile work environment with what she called my deviant porn addiction.

AnnaLynne McCord’s Ass Picks Up The Cleaning

Here’s AnnaLynne McCord doing her lame thing at the dry cleaners the other day. I’m getting bored with this chick, it’s always the same old crap, she walks down the street or blows kisses to the camera like a retard. Show me some ass or something. Maybe if she had less capital letters and more boob I could handle it, but until then I’m stuck with crappy shots of her running errands. Hopefully she’s having some tiny bikinis dry cleaned for the upcoming fourth of July weekend…. Fingers crossed. more pictures of Annalynne McCord here

Why Sandra Bullock Won’t Win

You know the favorites. We know the favorites. To keep us all from getting bored between now and Sunday’s show, we’re back with our sorta-annual look at why the Oscars won’t go the way…

Why Sandra Bullock Won’t Win