Tag Archives: getting-roped

Obama on GOP: Helping Rich People Binds Them Together!

President Barack Obama said on Al Sharpton’s radio show that the one thing holding the Republican party together these days is its love of rich people. Obama: Love of Rich Binds GOP Together Obama said on Al Sharpton’s radio show: “My sense is that their basic view is that nothing is important enough to raise taxes on wealthy individuals or corporations.” “They would prefer to see these kinds of cuts that could slow down our recovery over closing tax loopholes. That’s the thing that binds their party together at this point.” Whoa, tell us how you really feel, B!! Delivering such a blunt assessment right now, as opposed to during campaign season, seems more than a bit unwise, with the “sequestration” looming. On March 1, massive spending cuts will kick in unless Obama, the Democratic-controlled Senate and the GOP-led House resolve the current budget impasse. Even as he contacted House Speaker John Boehner and Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell Thursday to talk about the budget, Obama is holding is ground. “Unfortunately, I think Republicans right now are so dug in on this notion of never raising taxes that it becomes difficult for them to see an obvious answer right in front of them,” Obama added. Wisely or not, he’s steadfastly sticking to a position that many GOP legislators have rejected when it comes to resolving the current budget stalemate. He said 75 percent of Americans support his “balanced approach” of tax increases and spending cuts, criticizing the GOP for favoring only spending cuts. At this point, both sides seem willing to let sequestration kick in on principle, rather than compromise. Time will tell if they blink – or what the consequences might be.

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Obama on GOP: Helping Rich People Binds Them Together!

New Catching Fire Posters: Victory!

Victory is theirs! In two new posters for this November’s Catching Fire , Jennifer Lawrence (as Katniss) and Josh Hutcherson (as Peeta) pose as the victors of the 74th annual Hunger Games. The story kicks off with the pair embarking on its victory tour, unaware that President Snow has a surprise in store for them at the 75th Annual Hunger Games, also known as the Quarter Quell. Check out the new promotional photos now: Catching Fire will be directed by Francis Lawrence and hit theaters on November 22. We cannot wait.

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New Catching Fire Posters: Victory!

Miranda Kerr Bikini Photo: Good Morning, Indeed

This bikini photo of Miranda Kerr requires little explanation. Once again, the sexy 29-year-old Victoria’s Secret model kindly posted an Instagram pic of herself for all to enjoy. “Good morning,” Kerr simply captioned it. It was a very good morning, indeed, thanks to her. Kerr gave no clues as to where this shot was taken, which is kind of annoying, as it looks breathtaking and we’d love to see it ourselves one day. Eh, it’s okay. We’ll settle for looking at Miranda Kerr bikini photos .

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Miranda Kerr Bikini Photo: Good Morning, Indeed

Rush Limbaugh: Ashamed of America!

You’ve done it now, Democrats. You’ve made Rush Limbaugh officially “ashamed” to be an American. That’s how the conservative radio host described himself yesterday when ranting about the budget sequestration, an issue President Obama says could cripple the economy if Congress can’t strike a deal before next month. Limbaugh believes that argument from Obama – who said yesterday that love of rich people binds the GOP together – is an “insult” to his “common sense and intelligence.” Rush Limbaugh: Ashamed of His Country “Here they come… sucking us in, roping us in,” Limbaugh said. “Panic here, fear there, crisis, destruction, no meat inspection, no cops, no teachers, no firefighters, no air traffic control. I’m sorry, my days of getting roped into all of this are over.” Limbaugh also believes The Dark Knight Rises is a liberal conspiracy .

See the original post here:
Rush Limbaugh: Ashamed of America!