Tag Archives: getting-stuck

Christine Hendricks Pushed Up Titty of the Day

Mad Men was cancelled yesterday. Or at least put on hold because the cast were in negotiation wars or some shit I wasn’t paying attention to because I don’t watch Mad Men. If anything, I hate Mad Men because I always get stuck in the elevator, or at the table, or in line next two some asshole on the phone, or in coversation, talking about how great fucking Mad Men is…..and it got old the first week, now it’s at the point of “It’s like that episode of Seinfeld” level of I want to rip your fucking throat out you suburban middle manager… So it’s nice to have their morale destroyed….especially when Christine Hendricks’ tits aren’t going anywhere…not that I care about her tits, as I have the ability to see past them and notice that she’s fat, but you can’t….so here are those titties to celebrate the end of Mad Men, or at least the end of getting stuck beind idiots talking about Mad Men…even though I found out it was on hold getting a coffee this morning…but the storm will blow over and I have hope that I will find freedom…. FOLLOW ME

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Christine Hendricks Pushed Up Titty of the Day

Late Night Highlights: James Franco Gets His Arm Stuck Under Jon Stewart’s Mini Fridge

In today’s very special Oscar nominee edition of Late Night Highlights, James Franco celebrates his 127 Hours nod by getting stuck under a mini-fridge, and then lamenting the fact that none of his students recognized his Academy Award achievement. Elsewhere, Hailee Steinfeld parodied True Grit with Jimmy Kimmel and Tom Arnold consoled the Oscar rejects — that means you, Julianne Moore.

The rest is here:
Late Night Highlights: James Franco Gets His Arm Stuck Under Jon Stewart’s Mini Fridge