Tag Archives: ghetto-middle

Paulina Gretzky Ass in a Bikini at the Beach of the Day

Paulina Gretzky gets a lot of hate for buying herself new tits with her trust fund allowance…cuz her ghetto middle class dad who ended up becoming a fucking star hockey player…but was otherwise destined to work the mill like his father and his father’s father….all white trash in everything he did….giving her questionable morals and values….but I think, at least after looking at these pics of her on the beach…that more money shoulda gone into her ass…. You see I’m not a hater of spoiled brats, who cares how hooked up or how good their lives are….I am a hater of trashy sluts who have shitty asses though… You see tits can be bought…but a good ass..that shit is the real deciding factor on whether this fake tan, fake hair, Playboy lookin’ chick is worth it or not….even if she’s worth 100 million dollars after her dad dies… Not that I wouldn’t bang her, I’d bang anything, it’s just funny someone who puts so much work in, is hurtin’ where it counts…now laugh at her… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Paulina Gretzky Ass in a Bikini at the Beach of the Day