Minka Kelly is the daughter of ex Aerosmith guitarist and a stripper….which is probably an interesting household to be raised in….one filled with groupies, STDS, drugs and getting naked for money….all while giving her a privileged life, unlike the daughter of strippers I know…who ultimately end up stripping too….sometimes in mom and daughter shows to get more money for the family…you know because family is importing… So Minka Kelly went onto act in such massive hits as “Unknown” in State’s Evidence….a career worth noticing…but only because she’s got cleavage at the vet…something you should masturbate to in pictures because if you do it at the vet…they’ll ask you to leave….making a really weird fetish…vet cleavage in a world where cleavage is something all girls do….or something you could jerk off to when you were 14….before internet porn made 14 year olds have gangbangs… The post Minka Kelly Tit at the Vet of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Minka Kelly is the daughter of ex Aerosmith guitarist and a stripper….which is probably an interesting household to be raised in….one filled with groupies, STDS, drugs and getting naked for money….all while giving her a privileged life, unlike the daughter of strippers I know….. She’s the other Liv Tyler, who ultimately didn’t end up stripping…but instead went on to act due to solid connections and a trust fund – acting in such massive hits as “Unknown” in State’s Evidence….a career worth noticing… Here she is working out….I don’t know if you’re into seeing girls like Minka Kelly working out, but maybe it’s a fetish of yours…what the fuck do I know ….I used to like the gym for the pussy definition in tight pants and the tit and cleavage in tight shirts…but not enough to keep working out.. The post Minka Kelly Working Out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Romee Strijd is a Dutch model who has been in the model game for a solid 3 years….before the evil empire that is Victoria’s Secret who on one end of the spectrum produce shit quality, bulk, lingerie for middle american mall shoppers…using sweatshops overseas because why produce in America and give Americans jobs, when the Chinese do it for so much less money, allowing you to charge the same amount you would if it was made here, but maximize profits, while feeding money into other countries, as your own country falls apart…all in the name of panties most of the people who buy don’t actually need because they are so disgusting and matching bra and panty sets won’t change that… But on the flip site, along with the careless waste and exploitation….they create celebrities out of lingerie models, giving other models or aspiring models something to get naked to try to achieve…so all these low level instagram models see this as a beacon of hope, leading to endless half naked pics of them trying to be this…because for every cunt model who has made it, there are 1000s of eager girls trying to make it who will do everything you tell them… More importantly, they produce mediocre softcore porn for people like you to try to jerk off to when there’s no computer around, but just some old catalog you’ve hidden away like it was the 90s and you were a teen hiding your jerking off from your mom… This is some behind the scenes, sheer panty, pussy shots, of their new recruit Romee Strijd…who when looking at her is interchangeable with 1000s of girls…but who has made it to a place the 1000s of girls want to be…all while peddling cheap lingerie to people who don’t need any lingerie…because they are fat, middle of the road and working shitty jobs…to pay for this crap… Erotic. I think the more interesting thing in all this is that Victoria’s Secret has hired Playboy photographer David Bellemere to help them with their vision, meaning they’ve finally decided to catch up with the times and get a little more aggressive in their campaigns…smart.. A video posted by @romeestrijd on Oct 24, 2015 at 2:04pm PDT TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Victoria’s Secret Model Romee Strijd in See Through Panties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Romee Strijd is a Dutch model who has been in the model game for a solid 3 years….before the evil empire that is Victoria’s Secret who on one end of the spectrum produce shit quality, bulk, lingerie for middle american mall shoppers…using sweatshops overseas because why produce in America and give Americans jobs, when the Chinese do it for so much less money, allowing you to charge the same amount you would if it was made here, but maximize profits, while feeding money into other countries, as your own country falls apart…all in the name of panties most of the people who buy don’t actually need because they are so disgusting and matching bra and panty sets won’t change that… But on the flip site, along with the careless waste and exploitation….they create celebrities out of lingerie models, giving other models or aspiring models something to get naked to try to achieve…so all these low level instagram models see this as a beacon of hope, leading to endless half naked pics of them trying to be this…because for every cunt model who has made it, there are 1000s of eager girls trying to make it who will do everything you tell them… More importantly, they produce mediocre softcore porn for people like you to try to jerk off to when there’s no computer around, but just some old catalog you’ve hidden away like it was the 90s and you were a teen hiding your jerking off from your mom… This is some behind the scenes, sheer panty, pussy shots, of their new recruit Romee Strijd…who when looking at her is interchangeable with 1000s of girls…but who has made it to a place the 1000s of girls want to be…all while peddling cheap lingerie to people who don’t need any lingerie…because they are fat, middle of the road and working shitty jobs…to pay for this crap… Erotic. I think the more interesting thing in all this is that Victoria’s Secret has hired Playboy photographer David Bellemere to help them with their vision, meaning they’ve finally decided to catch up with the times and get a little more aggressive in their campaigns…smart.. A video posted by @romeestrijd on Oct 24, 2015 at 2:04pm PDT TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Victoria’s Secret Model Romee Strijd in See Through Panties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Kanye and Kim’s STD was on her way to Ballet practice where she told the paparazzi “I said no pictures”…because she was a fame whore experiment in narcissism…designed by a negligent media whore to help the egotistical pig produce an extension of herself…which I am sure she loves as long as the nanny does all the work because she made it…but more importantly..that the egotistical pig loves because she offers a nice storyline in their show…that keeps going strong… Everything about this poor kid, who should have miscarried itself in the womb, but who I guess will have a pretty insanely privileged life…can’t end well…and it’s not her fault…shit started out bad for her..but at least she’ll always have nice things to feed her soul… It is safe to say that the paparazzi don’t stake out children’s ballet studios…because that kind of thing gets you arrested…pretty much everywhere in north America…so North’s team called the paparazzi to stage this fucking outing..and the kid is already aware of cameras…hates cameras because she was probably coached to say that…because she’s an accessory that has a voice..and that voice can be used to increase sales…or some shit… There’s a lot of bad going on here…someone needs to stop this family…but they won’t…where will this end up? There’s another on the way…but where are Child protective services, if this was a poor family, this kind of thing would be unacceptable..but becuase they are rich…let the whore continue exploiting her helpless baby…tragic.. A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Oct 28, 2015 at 5:55pm PDT The post North West East South in Staged Paparazzi Pics because Her Mother is a Demon of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Kanye and Kim’s STD was on her way to Ballet practice where she told the paparazzi “I said no pictures”…because she was a fame whore experiment in narcissism…designed by a negligent media whore to help the egotistical pig produce an extension of herself…which I am sure she loves as long as the nanny does all the work because she made it…but more importantly..that the egotistical pig loves because she offers a nice storyline in their show…that keeps going strong… Everything about this poor kid, who should have miscarried itself in the womb, but who I guess will have a pretty insanely privileged life…can’t end well…and it’s not her fault…shit started out bad for her..but at least she’ll always have nice things to feed her soul… It is safe to say that the paparazzi don’t stake out children’s ballet studios…because that kind of thing gets you arrested…pretty much everywhere in north America…so North’s team called the paparazzi to stage this fucking outing..and the kid is already aware of cameras…hates cameras because she was probably coached to say that…because she’s an accessory that has a voice..and that voice can be used to increase sales…or some shit… There’s a lot of bad going on here…someone needs to stop this family…but they won’t…where will this end up? There’s another on the way…but where are Child protective services, if this was a poor family, this kind of thing would be unacceptable..but becuase they are rich…let the whore continue exploiting her helpless baby…tragic.. A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Oct 28, 2015 at 5:55pm PDT The post North West East South in Staged Paparazzi Pics because Her Mother is a Demon of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Paulina Gretzky gets a lot of hate for buying herself new tits with her trust fund allowance…cuz her ghetto middle class dad who ended up becoming a fucking star hockey player…but was otherwise destined to work the mill like his father and his father’s father….all white trash in everything he did….giving her questionable morals and values….but I think, at least after looking at these pics of her on the beach…that more money shoulda gone into her ass…. You see I’m not a hater of spoiled brats, who cares how hooked up or how good their lives are….I am a hater of trashy sluts who have shitty asses though… You see tits can be bought…but a good ass..that shit is the real deciding factor on whether this fake tan, fake hair, Playboy lookin’ chick is worth it or not….even if she’s worth 100 million dollars after her dad dies… Not that I wouldn’t bang her, I’d bang anything, it’s just funny someone who puts so much work in, is hurtin’ where it counts…now laugh at her… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
Nicki Minaj tweeted a couple of pics from the set of her new music video that involved her being in a one piece bathing suit…showing off her ass crack and titties like a low level video girl and not like the popstar that is Nicki Minaj…in what I guess is moving away from her clown GAGA impersonation and moving more towards Rihanna’s sluttiness coupled with that of a thick video vixen….making her privileged life seem a little more authentic and hip hop and you know what…I am into it..as long as I don’t have to listen to her music.
Minka Kelly is the daughter of ex Aerosmith guitarist and a stripper….which is probably an interesting household to be raised in….one filled with groupies, STDS, drugs and getting naked for money….all while giving her a privileged life, unlike the daughter of strippers I know…..who ultimately end up stripping too….where Minka Kelly went onto act in such massive hits as “Unknown” in State’s Evidence….a career worth noticing…but only because she’s got hard nipples…something I used to masturbate to when I was 14….true story…..and I guess when momma was a stripper…you learn all the right tricks on how to get the best Tips…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
Clearly, Marina and the Diamonds doesn’t need a lot of fancy production to make great music. While the original “Primadonna” had a beat you could twirl around a mansion to, the accompanying acoustic video is a slightly mellower affair, allowing us to concentrate on the meaningful lyrics about a girl living a privileged life who … More » Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Idolator Discovery Date : 19/03/2012 11:51 Number of articles : 2