Every once in a while, when I feel sad, cold, alone, I think about a big black woman breasts to nuzzle up into to warm my cold dead soul… It’s big black tits have these maternal and nurturing qualities, when they aren’t being used in dirty fetish pornos. I think it’s an Aunt Jemima fetish cuz when I first moved to America, Aunt Jemimia was all I had to comfort me in her happifyin ‘ cakes that sho’ set me singing…..Maybe it’s because I learnt English watching The Cosby Show….leaving a warm spot in my cold dead heart for black women…maybe I was a slave in a past life…or a rich British boy living in the Islands with my Diplomat father where my Nanny took me under her wing as if i was her own… I don’t really have an answer for you, I just know I am drawn to big black tits on an emotional level. They are always amazing…
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Niecy Nash and her Fat Tits of the Day