Tag Archives: gifts under $100

Retracing Darwin’s Steps, and Managing the Human Impact on the Galapagos Islands

When considering history, it’s important not to get too stuck on just looking at what’s already behind you. All photos credit: Collin Dunn The difference between visiting the islands largely untouched by humans and those once habited by people is pretty stark. After seeing the pristine, un-invaded island of Fernadina, we stopped in Egas Port, on the island of Santiago, to retrace a few of Darwin’s steps, and see what can happen when humans have a hand in writing the natural history of the Galapagos. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Retracing Darwin’s Steps, and Managing the Human Impact on the Galapagos Islands

The Lace Collection, Matteria shows off the romantic side of eco-design

Lace is back! A while ago Lloyd wrote about the California-based Eurolaces , believed to be the first company to offer 100% certified machine-made macramé style organic cotton lace trim for apparel or curtains. Now lace has become a theme amongst the eco-designers, and Matteria , who sell charming objects for living made as sustainable as possible have picked up on it. Check out the beautiful Lace Glasses and the gorgeous hand-made Lace Carpet…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

The Lace Collection, Matteria shows off the romantic side of eco-design