Tag Archives: girl-posted

Miley Cyrus Instagram Dance of the DAy

A day is not a day without Miley Cyrus doing a silly dance in short shorts with her tween sister who you know is probably more fucked up than Miley, while growing up in Miley’s shadow, and learning all the awful personality traits of a spoiled girl who provided the income for the family…you know showing the young one the moves needed when she turns to a life of porn, or wherever else sisters of successful girls who no one care about go to fill their void… Fun! TO SEE HER CONCERT PICS CLICK HERE

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Miley Cyrus Instagram Dance of the DAy

Hayden Panettiere is Pregnant in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Hayden Panettiere is pregnant, got into a bathing suit and was decent enough to not be in a bikini, because pregnant girls in bikinis, is pretty inappropriate and even disgusting, and even the most seasoned hooker knows that when you start to show, you get off fucking stage and find another way to make money, like turning tricks in your living room…. She still looks like shit, but that’s what pregnancy does to you, and is always a horrible fucking decision to take…I mean her husband’s 6 foot 8 massive penis in her 4 foot 2 frame should have been enough uterus filling for her…but no, she had to reproduce… I didn’t find her hot before, I don’t find her hot now…but here are the pics anyway… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Hayden Panettiere is Pregnant in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Luci Ford for Gregorio Photography of the Day

Luci Ford is a girl who I started following on INSTAGRAM a little while ago…and it turns out that as each day passes, she posts more and more incredibly amazing pictures of herself doing that keeps getting me sucked the fuck in…and need to know more… She’s a model, make-up artist, and all around good fucking time…she’s got serious sex appeal, and I’m not just saying that because I’ve never seen a girl play with water quite like she’s playing with water…or maybe that’s exactly why I am saying it… I just know that in the ever competitive race at who will win Instagram, LUCI is in the fucking lead… These pictures almost make me want to take a shower, or even wash my clothes, but reality is, I could never do it quite as well as Luci, and for that I will look at her pics as I wallow in my cum stained filth…thanks Luci…keep em’ coming I dare you. …and by em’ I mean me…I’m dyslexic…. These are some pics of her shot by GREGORIOPHOTOGRAPHY Find out more at LuciFord.com

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Luci Ford for Gregorio Photography of the Day

Jaime King Breast Feeding Porn of the DAy

They say that breast feeding isn’t erotic… Breastfeeders are so into breastfeeding that they they make Facebook pages, and protest being allowed to breast feed in public, by going out in public and breast feeding – I guess they feel it is natural, even though there is nothing natural about pregnancy, a motherfucking baby is growing up inside you, how the fuck is that normal…. But I say it is erotic…because every time I see it, I stare inappropriately, sometimes I ask them if I can have a taste, sometimes I get in close and say “mmmmm that’s tasty isn’t little baby”, sometimes I ask them if it feels good, and every single time I get called a creep or a pervert.. Now my argument is, if it wasn’t erotic to pull your tit out, why do I get so into it, and why are you so against my fucking support… Either way, this Jamie King girl posted this pic of her breast feeding a black baby, and people are excited by it, even though it’s a natural thing, you fucking perverts… I don’t know who Jamie King is…but she seems ok…inappropriate, but ok…

Continued here:
Jaime King Breast Feeding Porn of the DAy