Tag Archives: glendale-forest

Michael Jackson Burial Pushed Back to September 3

Michael Jackson will be formally laid to rest on September 3, instead of August 29 (which would have been on the pop icon’s 51st birthday ) as originally planned. According to a statement by the Jacksons, the burial will be at Holly Terrace in The Great Mausoleum at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, Calif. Only family and close friends will be permitted to enter Forest Lawn.

See the article here:
Michael Jackson Burial Pushed Back to September 3

Tarantino — I Hashed It Out with Brad Pitt

Filed under: Wacky & Weird , Brad & Angelina Brad Pitt had a brick of hash in his home last year — and according to Quentin Tarantino … he was definitely in the mood to share

Originally posted here:
Tarantino — I Hashed It Out with Brad Pitt

Michael Jackson — Burial Announced

Filed under: Michael Jackson The spokesman for the Jackson family says Michael Jackson will be laid to rest at Holly Terrace in the Great Mausoleum at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park on Saturday, August 29 at 10 AM.

Read more:
Michael Jackson — Burial Announced