Tag Archives: good-place

Instagram Model Wannabe Hailey Baldwin Is Now A Guess Model

According to my sources, Hailey Baldwin is pretending to be a Guess model these days, and here’s her latest shoot for the company. And don’t get me wrong, Hailey’s hot and all, but she’s just not a real model. If you ask me, she should stick to pretending to be famous on Instagram. There’s no shame in that. Lots of my favorite hotties do that full-time these days. It’s a totally respectable career path. » view all 14 photos Continue reading

The El-Rich Motel Review

This is beyond disgusting! Nonetheless a good place to bring a hooker. Continue reading

The El-Rich Motel Review

This is beyond disgusting! Nonetheless a good place to bring a hooker. Continue reading

Bella Thorne Bikini Pictures Are HUGE Trouble

I hope that the paparazzi working the Bella Thorne bikini beat get hazard pay or at least a good lawyer on retainer or something, because I’m getting nervous I’m going to be added to a watch list just from posting these. So take my advice and move it along before it’s too late, because right now, you’re the only one of us who can’t say it’s all part of the job. » view all 18 photos Photos: Fameflynet Continue reading

Kate Upton’s Busty Sideboob Action

I guess Kate Upton was listening when I called Hailey Clauson my new favorite busty blonde yesterday, because here she is dropping some solid sideboob out in LA with her friend. And don’t get me wrong, those sweater mounds of hers are looking pretty great, but Kate’s going to need to do a whole lot more than this if she wants to regain her title. I’m thinking taking a certain blogger out motorboating might be a good place to start. Hint hint. …I’m talking about me, just to be clear. » view all 13 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading

Carolyn Murphy in Fashion Porn for Vogue of the Day

I like fashion videos, only because they have no fucking point. They are all “high” concept for no reason, and they feature models, who I like looking at, posing all done up with hair and make-up looking beautiful, but still there for no fucking reason. It’s not a prank video, or a youtube how to video, it’s not even a music video…but for some reason it’s erotic…even low level pornographic, but maybe I’m just confusing that with Carolyn Murphy’s other video….and actual porn video….that you can see in all it’s awkwardness if you CLICK HERE

Carolyn Murphy in Fashion Porn for Vogue of the Day

Christina Aguilera’s Tits for Halloween of the Day

I don’t think Christina Aguilera matters at all, but I am pretty sure Christina Aguilera thinks she matters, and I am sure her husband also thinks she matters, because she probably reminds him of it everytime she orders him around to do shit for their multiple babies…she just gives off that vibe, where years of being celebrated not only by fans but also with money, makes her think she’s actually matters..and I am sure to some fat girl about to kill herself listening to that “Beautiful” song, that’s is a blatant lie, because you aren’t beautiful….she does matter…but to me she’s just some chubby, washed up, mom of two with some big old titties that are actually old now…and I guess that’s enough…and she does in fact matter… I guess the big question in all this is whether that’s a nipple slip…or just some push up bra supporting these mom tits…and the fact that that is the most complicated question of the day…makes me wonder whether my life is amazing or pathetic… Let’s go with pathetic. TO SEE MORE CELEBS DRESSED UP FOR HALLOWEEN CLICK HERE

Continued here:
Christina Aguilera’s Tits for Halloween of the Day

Sophie Simmons Topless Bikini Pics of the DAy

Sophie Simmons is a model now. I have theory that fat girls shouldn’t be models…no one really wants to see that…but I think my theory is outdated and now that fat girls are outnumbering skinny girls…and have a voice thanks to the internet…things are being catered to them and they need an icon to look up to….not that Sophie Simmons is that fat…just too fat to be a model… I also have this theory that celebrity kids shouldn’t be models…no one really cares about them as much as they care about their parents and the whole thing is a weirdo cry for attention when they could just use their trust fund for good – rather than spending days in photoshoots… Obviously, not too hard to get signed when your dad is a billionaire from KISS, you get what you want…but the issue is why is male attention what she wants…when she could get her dad to invest in something far more interesting for the grand scheme of the world… Either way, it’s getting to her head and she’s posting nude, or topless selfies on instagram…I am not sure this will end in a good place…because I am not even sure by looking at these if it is a good place now….but it happened.

Go here to see the original:
Sophie Simmons Topless Bikini Pics of the DAy

Iggy Azalea Will Be In ‘Fast & Furious 7′

Iggy Azalea will have a cameo in ‘Fast & Furious 7,’ according to star Vin Diesel.

Continued here:
Iggy Azalea Will Be In ‘Fast & Furious 7′

Did ‘Carter’ Truly Connect With Elizabeth?

Carter Stevens and Elizabeth Wilson are finally getting along — is it possible the ‘Finding Carter’ characters are in a good place?

Originally posted here:
Did ‘Carter’ Truly Connect With Elizabeth?