Have you ever watched the Nature Channel and stumbled across a documentary on Gorillas and being the pervert that you are you noticed that the gorilla’s got tits that could almost pass off as a saggy set of human tits. So your pervert ass starts getting hard realizing that Gorilla nipples are like human nipples and human nipples make you cum so why not pretend your lookin’ at human nipple while really lookin at Gorilla nipple because there’s nothing else sexy on TV and your internet is down and jerking off to your fantasies in your head is what chicks do and you’re not a fucking chick and give into your animal instinct, cum all over yourself and then spend the rest of the day wondering whether a gorilla got you off or if the gorilla just made you think about chick tit and chick tit get you off, and no matter how you look at it, you come out weird….well that’s how I feel when I look at Britney’s saggy mom tits and laughing at a time there were rumors she had impants but liking the fact that her nipples are hard even if they are aiming to the fucking ground…..here are the pics… Pics via INF

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Britney Spears Isn’t Wearing a Bra and Her Nipples are Sad of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged animal-instinct, Britney Spears, come-out-weird, Fantasies, gorilla, Hollywood, internet, liking-the-fact, nature, nature-channel, nipple-because, no bra, pervert, Sex, spend-the-rest