Tag Archives: gorilla

Rabbit Vs. Hunter

In the latest prank from Remi Gaillard, the rabbits finally get their revenge on the hunters. I'm sure there is a crude joke about going down the rabbit hole to be made here. The Best Links: Via Gorilla Mask Watch

Dwarf Hamster…EXPLODING

The entire Cute Things Exploding series is amazing (if you're a sick f*ck)! It's not real! So don't hate me for posting this. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Legal Servies and Daycare for $99.99

For all you broke-ass folk, Toby Jones is a lawyer who will also watch your kids for one prepaid cheap-ass price. My favorite part is when he explains what “prepaid” means. Unfortunately, his services are only available in Oak Brook, Illinois.

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Legal Servies and Daycare for $99.99

Sophie Monk is at the Same Event as Her Ex and I Don’t Care of the Day

Here are some pictures of Sophie Monk looking like real shit in Australia at some event. I’m guess she was up all night tending to the Paris Hilton herpe scabs on Good Charlotte’s dick because he came crawling back to her after breaking her heart by leaving her for Paris Hilton only to have Paris Hilton leave him for some other dude, making him realize what he had and lost in some serious emo pussy bullshit true love he found in Sophie Monk

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Sophie Monk is at the Same Event as Her Ex and I Don’t Care of the Day

Hayden Panettiere Picture of the Day

Here’s a little advice that comes direct from the editor’s desk at Elle for the trannies, the fat chicks and the ugly chicks who are using online dating sites to lure new unsuspecting cock.

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Hayden Panettiere Picture of the Day

Britney Spears Isn’t Wearing a Bra and Her Nipples are Sad of the Day

Have you ever watched the Nature Channel and stumbled across a documentary on Gorillas and being the pervert that you are you noticed that the gorilla’s got tits that could almost pass off as a saggy set of human tits. So your pervert ass starts getting hard realizing that Gorilla nipples are like human nipples and human nipples make you cum so why not pretend your lookin’ at human nipple while really lookin at Gorilla nipple because there’s nothing else sexy on TV and your internet is down and jerking off to your fantasies in your head is what chicks do and you’re not a fucking chick and give into your animal instinct, cum all over yourself and then spend the rest of the day wondering whether a gorilla got you off or if the gorilla just made you think about chick tit and chick tit get you off, and no matter how you look at it, you come out weird….well that’s how I feel when I look at Britney’s saggy mom tits and laughing at a time there were rumors she had impants but liking the fact that her nipples are hard even if they are aiming to the fucking ground…..here are the pics… Pics via INF

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Britney Spears Isn’t Wearing a Bra and Her Nipples are Sad of the Day

Red Ball 2 (Game Battle)

Help the circular red king find his crown.

Red Ball 2 (Game Battle)

The Best Celebrity Photobomb Ever

And he isn't even trying . Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment