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Collin Gosselin: MISSING from His Own Birthday Party?!

So, Kate Gosselin threw a big birthday bash for her sextuplets  last month, because they all turned 13. Making everyone who remembers their birth feel approximately 90. But with reports saying that there was no sign of Collin for his own birthday, a lot of people are deeply concerned about his whereabouts. The party itself was probably an effort on Kate’s part to show that she doesn’t see them as nothing more than walking, talking meal-tickets and targets for her rage. But also it’s going to be a TV special, because, just like how Josh Duggar’s getting screen time again, nobody seems to bat an eye at continuing to give Kate Gosselin airtime and the paycheck that comes with it. Collin has been a vaguely troubled boy for a long time, but reports that Collin Gosselin is missing from promo materials is alarming, considering that this was for his own birthday. Is it possible that he was there, but that they withheld his image from promo materials to hook viewers? Sure. And let’s hope so, because he should Still, people are worried, as he’s allegedly at some sort of “special school” to deal with his behavioral issues. But even Jon Gosselin doesn’t know where Collin is . Apparently, Collin’s behavior includes angry outbursts and that’s why he needs treatment. But the alleged treatment center, which may-or-may-not be some sort of special needs school, remains shrouded in mystery. Apparently Jon Gosselin only has a rough idea. But there’s nothing that he can do, it seems. And the rest of us are in the dark. About Collin’s location, and whether or not he was allowed to celebrate with the five siblings with whom he shared a womb. Honestly, we don’t know the nature of his special needs, but we don’t doubt that they’ve been exacerbated by Kate Gosselin herself. Because she’s just a horrible, horrible parent and we wouldn’t trust her to look after a pet rock, much less a child. Much less eight children. Kate has been complaining about Collin since he was a little boy. Being singled out by a tyrant like Kate Gosselin, who treats her children like prisoners according to reports, would have a profound impact on a developing boy. Though we wouldn’t expect to see the full psychological impact until years after the children have all escaped from her grasp. Since we know that  Kate Gosselin has been violent with Collin , that would only make things so much worse on this poor boy. Honestly, we’re no therapists, but we expect that all of these kids are going to spend years on PTSD counseling. And people used to worry that growing up on camera would ruin these kids’ lives. Some fans are insisting that Kate should bring Collin home from wherever he is. While we agree that he should get to be around his siblings, especially for their shared birthday, we wouldn’t condemn our worst enemy to Kate’s clutches. Let alone some 13-year-old kid who, according to reports, has enough on his plate. But then again, we don’t know enough about where he is. Some “special schools” are wonderful institutions full of caring professionals. Others are nightmare factories that aim to break teens of their “behavior problems.” And we don’t trust Kate to have sent Collin to a reputable establishment. Of all of Kate’s children, Collin’s eventual, inevitable tell-all book will be the one that we’re most interested in reading. But also the one that will be most likely to upset us.

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Collin Gosselin: MISSING from His Own Birthday Party?!