Tag Archives: graduate-school

The Takeover: Latinos Officially Outnumber White People In California

Latinos Outnumber Whites In California People have projected for years that Latino Americans would outnumber the rest of the races residing in the USA. That day has already come for California , where the “minority” has officially eclipsed the number of Caucasians residing in the state. Via LATimes : The demographers agreed: at some point in 2014, Latinos would pass whites as the largest ethnic group in California. Determining when exactly that milestone would occur was more of a tricky question. Counting people isn’t like counting movie ticket receipts. The official confirmation had to wait until new population figures were released by the Census Bureau this summer. The new tally, released in late June, shows that as of July 1, 2014, about 14.99 million Latinos live in California, edging out the 14.92 million whites in the state. The shift shouldn’t come as a surprise. State demographers had previously expected the change to occur sometime in 2013, but slow population growth pushed back projections. In January 2014, the state Department of Finance estimated the shift would take place at some point in March. Either way, the moment has officially arrived. “It is going to accelerate,” said Roberto Suro, director of the Tomás Rivera Policy Institute at USC. “This is really the beginning of a new phase that will play out over another generation.” The continued influx and growth of Latinos in the United States is not being fueled exclusively by immigration but by second- and third-generation immigrants who are settling down and starting families, said Marcelo Suárez-Orozco, a professor and dean of education at UCLA’s Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. “Where L.A. goes is where the rest of the state goes and where the rest of the country goes,” he said. “We announce demographically speaking, the future for the rest of the country.” The world is definitely changing ! What do you think of the new demographic numbers?

The Takeover: Latinos Officially Outnumber White People In California

Give A Brotha A Chance: Dating A Broke Guy

Maybe your beau is struggling to find a job in this terrible economy. Or perhaps he’s on a fixed income due to graduate school or helping out family members or some sort of bad investment. Either way…he’s broke. Can you handle it? If you truly care about him, not just about being wined and dined, then a period of financial struggle shouldn’t be a death knell to your relationship. Read More At Madamenoire

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Give A Brotha A Chance: Dating A Broke Guy