Jennifer Connelly must have not taken into account the high-powered camera flashes before leaving the house. Or maybe she did…
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Cameras Flash…And So Does Jennifer Connelly
Jennifer Connelly must have not taken into account the high-powered camera flashes before leaving the house. Or maybe she did…
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Cameras Flash…And So Does Jennifer Connelly
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged camera-flashes, green-together, headlights, jennifer connelly, nipping-out, nips, over-the-scene, photos-sans
Shia LaBeou f and Frank Langella were shooting a pretty intensive looking scene
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged frank-langella, green-together, harrison-ford, langella, looking-scene, oliver-stone, over-the-scene, shoot-the-show, Street, were-shooting
Leave it to Harrison Ford to fly his woman, Calista Flockhart , around the world in a private plane, touch down in France, and have a car standing by when they arrive.
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Harrison Ford Flies To France
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged car-standing, green-together, Harrison, harrison-ford, shoot-the-show, tyler-shields, Vampire, woman, world
With that dark hair, those red lips and her all-black ensembles, Megan Fox is looking more and more like a character out of Twilight .
Megan Fox…Or Megan Vamp
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged another-actress, character-out, film, green-together, her-all-black, jennifer's body, police, Premiere, vampire-diaries, were-shooting