Olivia’s Christmas present was Justin Bieber meet and greet tickets for his show in London, March 2012 at the O2 stadium. The fun part was the reveal but the… http://www.youtube.com/v/5ldMeoX42wA?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata More here: Olivia’s Christmas gift – Meet and Greet Justin Bieber in London
She is in love with him!! Wants to dance with him. We surprised her with tickets to his opening concert in Arizona. http://www.youtube.com/v/c95fFhCQCUM?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Follow this link: VIP meet and greet tickets to Justin Bieber
My name is Megan and I want to share My Bieber Experience with you guys. For me to be able to say that I have met Justin Bieber is so amazing. He has done so much for me. I’ve been trying to meet Justin since 2009. I heard about a radio contest in September on 99.5 WZPL in my city, Indianapolis. The contest was called “Show Us Your Bieber.” You had to make a video of yourself singing a Justin song and showing them how much you love him . I never thought that I would make it into the top 3. That meant I had to go into the radio station’s studio and perform a song. Once again I expected not to win. I was hoping for the best but also preparing for the worst. When I went in the studio I was decked out in Justin apparel, head to toe Bieber. I was drawn to sing first and I sang a parody of ‘Boyfriend.’ I couldn’t hear the music so it was really off beat. I had my dad dressed up as Selena Gomez and my family danced in the background to give me support. We ended up winning the whole thing, which meant my sister and I got to go to Chicago and meet Justin and then we got to go watch him perform live. I was a mess when I found out that I won. I was bawling on the radio and I didn’t care..hey, I just found out that I’m meeting my idol. Being on the radio and meeting all of the people was such a cool experience and it brought my family really close together. All week long I was anxious for it to be the day that I met him! On Oct. 24, 2012 I woke up at 8 a.m. and drove all the way to Chicago and arrived at about 12:15 p.m. After we got to the arena we were all singing and chanting “JUSTIN! JUSTIN! JUSTIN! JUSTIN!” Finally at 4 p.m. I met with a man named David and my meet and greet tickets had finally arrived. We waited in line for what seemed like forever. While waiting I got to meet Dan Kanter and I also got to bond with a bunch of beliebers, which is really cool for me because I feel like I’m not accepted in many places and beliebers make me feel welcome and loved! The line was moving and I was dying. When we were finally got in the building I immediately bawled my eyes out because I knew I was in the same building as Justin. We were about to go behind the curtain and I met Justin’s hamster PAC! When I saw a hand open the curtain, it was Kenny’s. I was so happy to meet him and he is so sweet! I said, “Hi Kenny! I’m so glad to finally meet you!” and he said, “It’s great to meet you ladies.” Then I look to my left and see an angel, an actual angel. The light was hitting him in such a way that it looked like he was glowing! I walked up to Justin and said, “Oh my gosh! You are BEAUTIFUL!” and he said “Thank you sweetheart.” I told him I loved him and he said “I love you too!” We took the picture and he said “Smile ladies!!” Then my sister asked “Can I have a hug?” and he gave her a hug! She kissed him on the cheek and then I hugged him as well. I handed him the note I wrote him and he said thank you. I hugged him again and then someone was pulling me off of him. It was the greatest 30 seconds of my life. I am so thankful for the opportunity. Justin has been here for me through his music when no one else has. He makes me feel like I belong. The fact that I got to thank him for everything that he has done for me is amazing. I am in awe and I am still shocked. There will always be a special place in my heart for you Justin Bieber and I will always be a belieber. I love you! -@MachineGunKehl Here’s my contest entry to the radio station ( x ) Read the original: My name is Megan and I want to share My Bieber Experience with…
My name is Izabela. I have always been a belieber and I always had a dream. It was to actually meet and get an autograph or a picture with my number one idol: Justin Bieber. Not until a couple days ago (June 23 2011) after all these years of trying to, I finally met him. I have always been entering contests and every opportunity that I had to meet him, I tried to accomplish it. But sadly not one gave me a chance, except for Jingle Ball 2011. I begged my parents for about a month or so to actually get a chance to go, and I even gave up tv and my laptop for a week. Honestly, the only reason why I wanted to go to Jingle Ball so badly was because Justin Bieber would be there. Once I got to Jingle Ball I saved my batteries on my camera until I saw Justin Bieber, although he was last to perform I didn’t mind. I saw him and that’s all that actually counted. Once Justin Bieber came up on stage to perform I was probably the most enthusiastic out of all the fans there, I was screaming, shouting, singing every song, and I even let out a little tear. From then on I was the happiest anyone can be. Then I heard about his My World Tour at Madison Square Garden, but I was in Europe at that time with my grandparents. The year after that (June, 21 and 22, 2011) I heard about winning Meet and Greet Tickets for Justin Bieber at Macy’s on Z100 but of course no hope. On June 22 2011, I heard about him being on the Today Show. I got my group of friends and we planned everything out. The next morning I woke up an hour late but nothing stopped me from going. I briskly got dressed at ran to the train station. Finally June,23, 2011 he came out to the screaming crowd and I was there. Standing behind the barriers to meet him, I was waiting impatiently until he came up to me. My heart stopped for a few minutes and I don’t even remember him signing my paper, and I let out the first few words, “Can I please have a picture with you” and he just stood there and took a breathe and said “Sure” with a smile. My heart dropped, and I felt sort of bad because he was so tired and every girl was begging for something. One thing I do regret is not asking for a hug, but it’s okay, I’ll wait until next time! Excerpt from: My name is Izabela. I have always been a belieber and I always…