Tag Archives: grizzly-adams

Joaquin Phoenix Mockumentary Is Really Happening

Casey Affleck-directed film is being shopped to buyers, including Harvey Weinstein. By Eric Ditzian Joaquin Phoenix Photo: Gustavo Caballero/ Getty Images Who could forget Joaquin Phoenix’s epic unraveling on the “Late Show With David Letterman,” when the heavily bearded actor mumbled his way through one of the most awkward appearances in late-night history? Had the guy lost his marbles ? Or was this whole muttering Grizzly Adams thing an elaborate hoax? A hoax it was, and the mockumentary about Phoenix’s transition from Oscar-nominated actor to aspiring rapper is complete and being shopped around to buyers, reports Deadline.com . Directed by Casey Affleck , the film’s details are being keep under lock and key, but it will surely follow Phoenix’s many public, perplexing episodes since word of the project — publicized as a straight documentary — first cropped up in January of 2009. Those episodes included a video of the actor spitting verses at a nightclub, reportedly inking a deal with Diddy, performing at a club in Las Vegas (and falling off the stage), and supposedly posting demo tracks on MySpace. And, of course, there was the “Letterman” interview, which took such a bizarre turn that at the end of the segment, the host memorably said to Phoenix, “I’m sorry you couldn’t be here tonight.” According to the Deadline report, the mockumentary was debuted to buyers last week during a private lunchtime screening at the William Morris Endeavor talent agency. Attendees included Harvey Weinstein. A deal for the film is expected to be completed within a matter of days. There’s still no word about when the public will get a chance to see the film, but the apparent goal is to keep the mockumentary’s details a secret for as long as possible before it debuts. For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit MTVMoviesBlog.com .

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Joaquin Phoenix Mockumentary Is Really Happening