Tag Archives: groceries-stuck

Liberty Ross on Marriage to Rupert Sanders: Difficult, Lonely

Somewhat lost amidst the shock and sadness of Kristen Stewart cheating on Robert Pattinson is the other side of this dishonest coin: Rupert Sanders, with whom Stewart made out on at least one occasion, is a married man with two children. And in an ironic bit of timing, his wife – 33-year old model Liberty Ross – opened up to YOU Magazine just two weeks ago about her marriage to the director. It’s not excuse whatsoever, but there clearly have been problems at home. “I romanticized domesticity for a while, and loved having a shopping list of groceries stuck to the fridge for the first time,” Ross told the publication. “But moving here and starting a life all over again was a lot harder than I had anticipated. I just didn’t think it would be as isolating and daunting as it turned out to be.” With Sanders off filming Snow White and the Huntsman , Ross admits she got very lonely. “I would never say out loud that I am raising my children alone, but a lot of the time it has felt like that.” Ross also lamented how she went from working in the modeling industry with stalwarts such as Karl Lagerfeld and John Galliano… to “living on an isolated hilltop with my husband gone most of the time.” However, she ended the interview on a positive note: “That’s why everything feels so amazing now. We rode through the really hard times and we stuck it out.” Yeah. About that… Sanders issued his own apology yesterday after news of his dalliance with Stewart broke. He said: “My beautiful wife and heavenly children are all I have in this world. I love them with all my heart. I am praying that we can get through this together.”

Liberty Ross on Marriage to Rupert Sanders: Difficult, Lonely