In mommy to be banger news… Angela Simmons Shows Off Her Baby Bump Angela Simmons is sharing more new photos of her growing bundle of joy. Rev Run’s reality star daughter who previously posed for her maternity photos … shared a shot of herself rocking a cobalt blue ensemble. after already posing for a dinner date. She’s definitely wearing her pregnancy well, no??? More photos of Angela Simmons’ bump on the flip. FameFlyNet,Instagram
In mommy to be banger news… Angela Simmons Shows Off Her Baby Bump Angela Simmons is sharing more new photos of her growing bundle of joy. Rev Run’s reality star daughter who previously posed for her maternity photos … shared a shot of herself rocking a cobalt blue ensemble. after already posing for a dinner date. She’s definitely wearing her pregnancy well, no??? More photos of Angela Simmons’ bump on the flip. FameFlyNet,Instagram
Five months after his death, a new video of late Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking crack has just been released to the public. Not to be confused with the previous Rob Ford crack videos. It's a sad, but true statement that there have now been multiple. The newly-surfaced Rob Ford crack video (below) is from 2013. In it, Ford hits the crack pipe while a friend trashes then-future Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, who was elected in 2015. The friend says, “I'd like to get that f–king Justin Trudeau and shove my foot as far up his ass because I'm sure it would go real far.” Ford laughs and concurs, adding “He's a fat dick.” Rob, who admitted smoking crack during his tenure as mayor of Toronto, also says he dislikes the notion that he's a right wing radical. Ford doesn't realize he's being recorded until the very end of the video, according to TMZ, which posted the shocking footage Thursday. In March of this year, Rob Ford died in Canada. As for how this new video clip of the late politician surfaced? It was used as in exhibit in the extortion trial of a Ford friend, Sandro Lisi. Lisi, bizarrely enough, was charged with trying to extort a gang member to obtain the clip – a charge that was eventually dropped. Once the case was no longer active, the court lifted a gag order on the latest Ford crack video and it was released to the public. Ford denied he was an addict despite the rampant drug use that gained him international notoriety during his tenure in office.
Be still my heart. One dad in Brazil recorded his young son watching an ultrasound from his mother's check-up. According to Mashable , the boy was captivated by the video , until his dad told him that there were two siblings in mom's tummy. “I can see the baby's face,” the kid siad, clearly having no idea what he was looking at. “Can you?” the dad asked. “Yes, I'm seeing it.” Dad called his bluff. “Do you know what it is?” “No.” “Your sibling.” “Is it?” “And they're two.” “Really?” “Really!” “Holy cow, dude,” the boy said before slowly starting to tear up. “What's happening, boy?” the dad asked. Wait for it, because this is friggin' adorably. “I'm touched,” the little guy said through tears. ALL. THE. FEELS. Recording reactions to moments like these are the antidote to the Hot Mess Express train humanity is forced to ride on these days. For every video of Donald Trump either threatening assassination against his opponent or making fun of a disabled journalist, there are little moments like this one that make us smile. The smiles don't stop there. Remember the little girl who didn't want her brother to grow up, so she bawled her eyes out in protest? And then there was “Charlie Bit My Finger,” which instantly became a viral hit. I hope the little Brazilian boy gets everything in life his little heart hopes for, because he reaction to having not one, but two younger siblings was nothing sort of beautiful. What a lovely way to respond to becoming a big brother. He's psyched about his growing family, and there is no way you can fake those kind of tears. Good luck to you, little boy, and your growing family. Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to have ourselves a good cry.
I know a lot of you out there dig Charlotte McKinney , even though I think she’s just another Insta-hottie who got lucky and there’s a ton of other Instagram models out there who are just as hot (like, say, any of our InstaBabes ). But that said, even I can’t deny that Charlotte’s got serious talent. It just happens to be located entirely within the region between her shoulders and her stomach. Enjoy.
I don’t tend to pay much attention to celebrities unless they’re walking around in spandex and/or bikinis, so I didn’t know that Chrissy Teigen was pregnant until I saw these pictures. And while I’m sorry to hear that, since it means Chrissy’ll have to go on a few months of maternity leave from those bikini photoshoots of hers , I’m happy to see that her growing baby bumps seem to be coming along nicely. …Just to be clear, I’m talking about her funbags. I may be a pervert, but I’m no sicko. Photos:
The world of television was turned upside down five years ago today. On June 8, 2011, ABC Family turned a relatively little-known book about four young woman into a viral sensation, taking viewers inside the mysterious town of Rosewood and introducing them to the following Pretty Little Liars: Spencer Hastings, the brainiac. Hanna Martin, the beautiful cheerleader-type. Emily Fields, the lesbian. Aria Montgomery, the rebellious rule breaker. View Slideshow: Pretty Little Liars Cast: Through the Years… The four main cast members – Shay Mitchell, Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson and Lucy Hale – quickly went from anonymous young actresses to breakout stars. They now rule Twitter. They now cover magazines. They now serve as role models who encourage women to remain true to themselves. But it wasn’t always this way. Mitchell, Bellisario, Benson and Hale have come very far since the early days of their careers. Go back in time with the Pretty Little Liars cast above, get to know them better below and visit TV Fanatic to watch Pretty Little Liars online now. View Slideshow: 29 Pretty Little Facts About the Pretty Little Liars Cast
It is normal for cartoon characters to have archenemies. Jem and the Holograms had major beef with The Misfits. And Inspector Gadget was constantly batting Dr. Claw. But an unlikely cartoon rival erupted in real life in the middle of Times Square. They didn’t just push each other around either. Minnie Mouse and Hello Kitty ripped off their costume heads and had a full on brawl. Minnie Mouse and Hello Kitty were arrested on Thursday for fighting. The New York Daily News identified them as Sandra Mocha, 34, of Queens, and Giovanna Melendez, 40, of New Jersey. The report from the Daily News claimed they were fighting over hugs tips. Jake Rullman who caught the fight on camera posted pics to Twitter of Minnie without her mask and getting handcuffed. Both Minnie and Hello Kitty were changed with assault. But even worse, they have probably scarred every child for life who was in Times Square. Or as Gothamist stated, they probably ensured “a thickening of child therapists’ wallets nationwide.” Most of the costumed characters in NYC are not sanctioned by the city or any business. They are just people hoping to make a buck or two. According to The New York Times, the characters have been fighting with the city for the right to accept (and in come cases even demand) tips for photos. The New York City Council wants to get the characters fingerprinted before they start hugging little children and demanding money. They also want them to pay up to $170 for a two-year license to accept the tips. However, the battle between the characters and the city pales in comparison to the war between the characters for territory aka tourists’ money. In 2013, a New York Post reporter joined the team as an undercover Winnie the Pooh, and he did not receive a friendly welcome. New York Council member Peter Vallone said in 2013, “A dangerous character could be hiding in a cuddly character.” His response came after Elmo was arrested for attempting to extort $2 million from the Girl Scouts of the USA. In what might be the most famous cartoon case in Times Square, a man dressed a Spider-Man punched a cop. Most of the characters are honest folks just trying to make money. Yahoo News interviewed a number of the people working as cartoon characters in Times Square. An Elmo character aka Edwin Garcia said, “Most of us are just trying to make a living.” He dresses as Elmo to help support his wife and 7-month-old daughter. View Slideshow: Strange But True News Hall of Fame