Tag Archives: grueling-work

Jennifer Lawrence’s Tasty Front Meat

I haven’t seen The Hunger Games , I’m not a teenage girl, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t taken notice of this Jennifer Lawrence hottie and her special “talents”. Obviously I’m not talking about archery, I’m talking about those big soft chesticles of hers. Here she is after a grueling work out in her hot workout gear. Spandex is just an amazing material isn’t it. I wouldn’t mind watching her do a few jumping jacks. Next time.

Drew Barrymore Elle cover 2010

“For three years straight, I#39;ve been burning the candle at both ends, and as of last December, I just didn#39;t have anything left,” Elle#39;s August cover girl Drew Barrymore, 35, says. After a grueling work schedule, summer for Drew Barrymore is her time to recharge – and time to make a few life changes. After being “so aggressive about living life to the fullest and being plugged into everything,” Barrymore – whose busy past few years included making her directorial debut in Whip It, pro

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Drew Barrymore Elle cover 2010