Tag Archives: mind-watching

Ireland Baldwin Got a Tattoo and Wants You to Know of the Day

Ireland Baldwin got a Tattoo because she’s so fucking hardcore…a rebellious lesbian showing us how tough she is thanks to her dad’s abusive words back in her formative years, when she was just a spoiled kid with egotistical parents who gave her everything she wanted…something that will continue into adulthood, since being raised in that environment is impossible to be normal.. Even though getting tattoos is hardly what it used to be. Every cheesy dude, and mainstream girl who would have shopped at the GAP in the 90s, when real hardcore people were getting the tattoos, gets tattoos….Shit is mainstream…even lame… But she wanted to show you the process, and I don’t mind watching her in action, because this tall aspiring model, who is large, lesbian and amazing, seems fun…and for some reason I find this erotic

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Ireland Baldwin Got a Tattoo and Wants You to Know of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Got a Tattoo and Wants You to Know of the Day

Ireland Baldwin got a Tattoo because she’s so fucking hardcore…a rebellious lesbian showing us how tough she is thanks to her dad’s abusive words back in her formative years, when she was just a spoiled kid with egotistical parents who gave her everything she wanted…something that will continue into adulthood, since being raised in that environment is impossible to be normal.. Even though getting tattoos is hardly what it used to be. Every cheesy dude, and mainstream girl who would have shopped at the GAP in the 90s, when real hardcore people were getting the tattoos, gets tattoos….Shit is mainstream…even lame… But she wanted to show you the process, and I don’t mind watching her in action, because this tall aspiring model, who is large, lesbian and amazing, seems fun…and for some reason I find this erotic

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Ireland Baldwin Got a Tattoo and Wants You to Know of the Day

Miguel Dropkicks Two Girls at the Billboard Music Awards of the Day

I don’t watch award shows anymore…they are all staged, they are uninteresting, the jokes are lame, and ultimately, they just don’t make sense to me. I feel like if you’re a celebrity, in music or TV or Movies, you’ve already won a fucking award, and the idea of celebrating these people who are already celebrated, is masturbatory and just fucking stupid…. That said, I don’t mind watching the blooper reel, whether there are nipple slips, or some shitty artist slamming the fuck out of a couple poor girls…it’s pretty fucking funny. If I was them, I’d sue the spic.

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Miguel Dropkicks Two Girls at the Billboard Music Awards of the Day

Miley Cyrus Dressed Like She’s 3 of the Day

I wonder if this is a cry for her lost childhood. You know like those weird adult baby fetishists who when analyzed discover that at 3 something traumatic happened, like their parents sold them to fucking Disney, and they were forever broken….or maybe this onsie shit is just a style thing, but what I do know is that I wouldn’t mind watching her crawl around in it, all small bodied, knowing the fabric is touching her asshole, pussy and titties all at the same time, the way I want to be touching her….makes for a good time… TO SEE MILEY’S AWESOME FUCKING LEGS WALKING IN HEELS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Miley Cyrus Dressed Like She’s 3 of the Day

Jojo and Her Sex Doll of the Day

It turns out that Jojo Levesque, someone who was famous for a minute a while ago….and more interestingly considered a jailbait piece of meat perverts jerked off to before she turned 18….even though she was never really hot….is a lot like you….because she touches inanimate objects sexually too. That must make you feel a little more secure with yourself about that creepy mannequin collection in your basement…I know it has for me….

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Jojo and Her Sex Doll of the Day

Hilary Rhoda Hot For Vogue Spain of the Day

Hilary Rhoda is an SI Model…who is amazingly American…and even more amazingly from Maryland….the land of fat crab eaters…but she’s not obese like Kate Upton…..and 98 percent of your population…she’s one of the good ones…the last standing skinny ones….who at 25 doesn’t look like she needs a motor scooter to get her through the aisles at Walmart while buying chips, cookies, diabetes medication and affordable elastic waistband pants before stopping at McDonald’s on the way out….but instead she’s all hot in Vogue Spain…maybe more people should take her amazing lead…..

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Hilary Rhoda Hot For Vogue Spain of the Day

This Week’s Shameless Nudity of the Day

I love the storyline of Shameless…I don’t watch the show…it bores me…but the idea of a dead beat drunk dad with annoying kids who fuck and get naked….speaks to me….in fact I should be writing this show….. I also think William H Macy is less annoying than most actors….but I hate this Emmy Rossum clown….who was a nobody until her agent got her this gig…and now she’s all snobby and thinks she an actual celebrity or a premiere actor…to justify getting naked on some cable show….you know because no one, not even porn chicks like to admit they are talentless hacks who just get airtime cuz they fuck on camera… That said…here are two of the nude scenes from this weeks show…in a feature I call HBOobs….the boobs on the boobtube that has become boobs LCD screen…..thanks to modern technology cable, piracy and streaming….. Emmy Rossum….with her riveting performance…..such a rich storyline…. Emma Greenwell…who I have never heard of but don’t mind watching bend over….


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This Week’s Shameless Nudity of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence’s Tasty Front Meat

I haven’t seen The Hunger Games , I’m not a teenage girl, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t taken notice of this Jennifer Lawrence hottie and her special “talents”. Obviously I’m not talking about archery, I’m talking about those big soft chesticles of hers. Here she is after a grueling work out in her hot workout gear. Spandex is just an amazing material isn’t it. I wouldn’t mind watching her do a few jumping jacks. Next time.

Jennifer Lawrence’s Tasty Front Meat

I haven’t seen The Hunger Games , I’m not a teenage girl, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t taken notice of this Jennifer Lawrence hottie and her special “talents”. Obviously I’m not talking about archery, I’m talking about those big soft chesticles of hers. Here she is after a grueling work out in her hot workout gear. Spandex is just an amazing material isn’t it. I wouldn’t mind watching her do a few jumping jacks. Next time.

Adrien Brody and Lara Lieto Awkward Yacht Shower of the Day

Adrien Brody posed for a pretty ridiculous looking picture of him and his girlfriend showering on a yacht in a position that would imply that homie is what I assume all actors are…a bottom. You see anyone who spends as much time as an actor does in front of the mirror, practicing lines, in order to play make-belief for a lot of fucking money, is probably someone who is either insecure as fuck, or in love with themselves, and that’s not to say that’s a homosexual personality trait, but I feel real men would be more into working construction or as business leaders or bartenders to lure in pussy… yes I am implying gay people aren’t real men, just for the sake of argument, But I guess what it comes down to is that even if he only gets off to her fucking him from behind with a massive strap on, while he assumes this position he seems all too comfortable with, he’s still getting hotter pussy than you, cuz until she’s got a dick…even if all he makes her do to him is rich person weird homo games…she’s still a hot bitch…who I don’t mind watching take her man from behind during a yacht shower….I’m perverted like that… To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Adrien Brody and Lara Lieto Awkward Yacht Shower of the Day