Image via Nathan Congleton/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images Megyn Kelly Believes White People Should Be Allowed To Wear Blackface This broad really sat on live television and said…*sigh* Megyn Kelly doesn’t get what the big deal is about wearing Blackface. According to her, if some WASPy housewife wants to look like Diana Ross then she should be granted free pass to paint her skin dark in order to properly honor a Black woman. Megyn Kelly dumb as hell.
Fat Christina Aguilera is getting edgier in her old age, I guess when people start approaching 40 they realize it’s now or never. I am sure if you leave your house or know women turning 40, it’s probably a rough time for them. They spend their early 20s when they are their hottest figuring out and getting the confident to be as hot as they can. By 30 they are married with kids….by 40 they realize that they lost 10-15 years of life being married with kids…and that there’s only a small window of time left for them to be the slut they wanted to be back when they were 20 but too shy to be that slut… I am sure it’s weird time for all people, aging, terrifying, closer to death, further from your hopes and dreams, clearly forced to accept that your procrastination has finally caught up with you and tomorrow is long in the past….not worth your time to try to have another hit… In Christina Aguilera’s case, or X-Tina of you’re more into her edgier name is old as fuck, fat as fuck, but at 20 was slutty as fuck, made tons of money being slutty as fuck, stayed out of the limelight because she already did so much…and is now back…titties taped up like some EMO TUMBLR chick on tumblr when tumblr mattered cuz I guess she wants money…and knows it’s not too late to get out there tits first to get paid by her weird fans to sing and dance.. It’s the 90s revivial people…older, tired, fatter, but titty-taped… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Christina Aguilera Nipple Pasties of the Day appeared first on .
Anya Taylor-Joy is some actress from the movie The Witch, where she played the older sister who likely killed off her family….I don’t really remember that movie..other than that it was a lot of hype because it was some set designer’s first attempt at directing….and it showed…but people seem to think it didn’t show. She’s been in other things, from the movie SPLIT by your favorite M. Night ShAMBALAMANA..she started modeling at 16, which is pretty perverted….and she’s now 22 and out there, being all Hollywood celebrity, with her young tits in a sweater that when the flash goes off you see full tit…it’s what you learn to wear for the paparazzi when you’re marketing yourself…you know one part conservative, It’s a fucking sweater…4 parts slutty cuz we can see full tit…I mean close enough to full tit…it’s not like this X-Ray is a real X-Ray that allows us to see her milk being produced…it’s more an X-ray that gives you nerd the feeling of being able to see through clothes… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Anya Taylor Joy See Through of the Day appeared first on .
The amazing thing about social media – is that we get to experience every thought and activity that a mother fucker does in a day / hour… Instagram stories are the most fucking irritating, all these egos who think we care, are out there documenting everything like they are their own reality show…They are tweeting and talking about nonsense that doesn’t matter….but yet people can’t help themselves… They call themselves content creators, it’s where the money comes from, but they don’t realize, because they are egos that we don’t care and just want them to shut the fuck up. It’s a huge distraction from our life, it takes brain power we could use on other things, but instead we’re watching someone we don’t know doing menial shit… Like this Bebe Rexha, fat chick, turned pop star, who I’ve seen perform on TV an is fuckign terrible, yet people are into it, and into seeing her fat ass work out, cuz she’s found fitness, thank god, she’s a pig, and wants to announce it to everyone, cuz she’s just that person. We all went to High Shool, we all had that asshole in the class who loved talking about themselves and what they are up to, Instagram has been able to find all those assholes, two or three from every graduating class between the ages of 15 and 45, and give them a place to fucking annoy me The only salvation, is they do it with their tits out, to compensate for their busted face, fat ass, and annoying content…so at least there’s some value to listening to them and their bullshit…. She does big girl YOGA too… And she goes to events… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bebe Rexha Fitness Titty Bounce of the Day appeared first on .
Candice Swanepoel is getting ready for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show comeback tour, despite having had 3-6 babies in the last 2 years, preventing her from being that Victoria’s Secret girl she has loyally worked for consistently for her entire career. I find models really uninteresting once they have kids. It’s just fucking gross to think about a creature growing inside them before being shat out of their womb. We save that shit for our real lives, with our wives who forced us to breed, not that I have kids, or will have kids, end of the DNA genetic line here, but that’s just me doing my part for the world….something more people should take my lead on…. But you get what I am saying, and that is that if we want to jerk off, or JACQUES off if you’re in France, to some model bitches, let’s focus on the ones who are young and hot and tight bodied and not out there breeding…. So even when people like Candice Swanepoel are out there naked with their assholes out, promoting themselves and the brand they’ve always worked for, the brand that created them, that they got naked for early on…she’s still an old weathered mom of too many and she should keep it in her damn pants…there are enough hot chicks not breeding for us to focus on. How about her breast feeding pic: JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Candice Swanepoel Model Booty of the Day appeared first on .
Source: Jesus Jauregui / Getty October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Today’s show is dedicated to honoring those who are fighting the disease, remembering those lost their battles, and informing people about the disease and what you can do to stay healthy. We we’re joined by Nurse Dina Linsey, M.S.N, R.N. and Dr. Kimberley Lee, M.D. from Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center. They went over with the Quick Silva Show the steps You should take if you find out that you have cancer. If you unfortunately hear the words “You have cancer” know first of all that you can beat it! After getting your fight spirit up, you have to get educated on what your next steps are. Step 1 : Know The Type of Cancer You Have: It’s imperative that you identify what type of cancer you have. Regardless of what you initially came into the doctor for you always want to make sure you know the exact type of cancer you’e treating. Step 2: Gather Information: Once you know the type of cancer you have, research is your best friend. Being informed on symptoms, the traits, and over all how it will effect you is the most important part of moving forward with treatment. Step 3: Interview Doctors: When it comes to any illness or diagnosis it’s normal protocol to get a second opinion. As Dr. Lee and Nurse Dina said you should always interview several doctors to see who has the best plan to execute you beating cancer. Step: 4: Find An Oncologist: After your interviews, select an oncologist that makes you comfortable and creates the best way to tackle the disease that makes you comfortable. Step 5: Make a list of questions for your first appointment and Bring a Friend for Support: Once you’ve got your oncologist it’s time to make your first appointment. If you’ve completed steps 1-4 you should have a list of questions. Before you start treatment ask the tough questions and gain a level of peace knowing how you and your doctor plan to execute treatment. Bring a friend as well, because tough questions lead to tough reactions and you want someone there to support you. Not only the support but be an active listener just incase you need to process everything that’s happening. If you need general information if you find out that you have cancer go to Johns Hopkin’s Medical. If you want to call Johns Hopkins about any type of Cancer: 410-955-5222 If you need a mammogram call Johns Hopkins Imaging: 443-997-7237 If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer call Johns Hopkins Breast Cancer Center: 443-287-6560.
As we celebrate breast cancer awareness month, we talked to Dr. Kimberly Lee And Nurse Dina Lansey about cancer. From the way that cancer can weigh on the family, to what steps people should take after the moment they hear “you have cancer.” Dr. Lee and Nurse Lansey shed light on what type of questions you should be asking and how to vet out a doctor once you receive a diagnosis.
Everyone likes to laugh at Rumer Willis for having a wonky fucking face, but the reality is her mom, Demi Moore, who is trying to stay youthful despite being 100 years old and full of millions of dollars worth of plastic surgery… When people should defend Rumer Willis thanks to having a rocking fucking body, because the hot body in this era of Genetically modified foods…is hard to find….so celebrate her and her Dancing With the Stars winning, Bruce Willis faced-ass… The post Rumer Willis in a Bikini for Memorial Day of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Alyssa Milano blocked me on social media a long time ago, after writing me some bullshit tweet telling me to fuck off, to which her minions went off on me, all because I made fun of her hairy arms, that she has since tended to, and lasered off because she knew I was right…hairy arms aren’t hot…and this is coming from a man addicted to bush… I would say that no one remembers Alyssa Milano, because she barely mattered at her peak and she sure as hell doesn’t matter now, but the reality is that people are fucking weird and she’s one of those celebrities that will always have a core fan base of perverts who are really fucking into her, no matter how hairy her arms may be…and those people must be fucking dying now that she’s taken a stance to promote showing her tits in public like an exhibitionist, disguised as a breast feeding in public endorser, because it’s a basic animalistic thing to do, like fucking, which we don’t do in public as we’ve civilized as a people, yet that people should take a stance to do in public, because it’s only natural….and I like watching… All this to say, I am all for this progressive women who pull out their tits in public because I like tits….sucking them milk filled, or not…on a hairy animal looking woman or not…who is too old to be a new mom or not… The post Alyssa Milano Breast Feeding of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .