Tag Archives: more-amazingly

Hilary Rhoda Naked for LUI Magazine of the Day

Jesus…David Bellemere did another photoshoot. This guy is shooting nude girls every fucking day, it’s just impossible for one person to put out this much content for mainstream and some lower level publications. Clearly he’s either double dipping in a “While I have you here, lets do a shoot”…or dude just knows exactly how to shoot the same damn picture…naked models…over and over again..it’s become fast food..he just churns it out…like a big mac… Along with Victoria’s Secret, other brands, magazines, his own weird calendar project..his OG gig with LUI…dude’s just got 5 shoots published a day… The model is Hilary Rhoda…Hilary Rhoda is an SI Model…who is amazingly American…and even more amazingly from Maryland….the land of fat crab eaters…and not the good kind of crab eaters….the terrifying crab eaters you’d expect to see wrestling in the walmart parking lot over the last 25 gallon jug of vegetable shortening, or the fucking family jug of Arizona Ice Tea….because mom’s gotta bake some fucking cookies……or lube herself up real good – to fit into her pants..you get what I’m saying….and that is that I’d like to wrestle Hilary Rhoda for anything…but mainly for the erections.. The post Hilary Rhoda Naked for LUI Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hilary Rhoda Naked for LUI Magazine of the Day

Jojo and Her Sex Doll of the Day

It turns out that Jojo Levesque, someone who was famous for a minute a while ago….and more interestingly considered a jailbait piece of meat perverts jerked off to before she turned 18….even though she was never really hot….is a lot like you….because she touches inanimate objects sexually too. That must make you feel a little more secure with yourself about that creepy mannequin collection in your basement…I know it has for me….

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Jojo and Her Sex Doll of the Day

Hilary Rhoda Hot For Vogue Spain of the Day

Hilary Rhoda is an SI Model…who is amazingly American…and even more amazingly from Maryland….the land of fat crab eaters…but she’s not obese like Kate Upton…..and 98 percent of your population…she’s one of the good ones…the last standing skinny ones….who at 25 doesn’t look like she needs a motor scooter to get her through the aisles at Walmart while buying chips, cookies, diabetes medication and affordable elastic waistband pants before stopping at McDonald’s on the way out….but instead she’s all hot in Vogue Spain…maybe more people should take her amazing lead…..

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Hilary Rhoda Hot For Vogue Spain of the Day

Kanye West Died? No, Just Another Hoax

Rumors that rapper Kanye West died in a car accident late last night sparked a massive online frenzy but are completely bogus, from everything we can tell. In fact, it looks like the rumors were used to sling anti-malware scam.

Go here to see the original:
Kanye West Died? No, Just Another Hoax