Tag Archives: parties-filled

Adrien Brody and Lara Lieto Awkward Yacht Shower of the Day

Adrien Brody posed for a pretty ridiculous looking picture of him and his girlfriend showering on a yacht in a position that would imply that homie is what I assume all actors are…a bottom. You see anyone who spends as much time as an actor does in front of the mirror, practicing lines, in order to play make-belief for a lot of fucking money, is probably someone who is either insecure as fuck, or in love with themselves, and that’s not to say that’s a homosexual personality trait, but I feel real men would be more into working construction or as business leaders or bartenders to lure in pussy… yes I am implying gay people aren’t real men, just for the sake of argument, But I guess what it comes down to is that even if he only gets off to her fucking him from behind with a massive strap on, while he assumes this position he seems all too comfortable with, he’s still getting hotter pussy than you, cuz until she’s got a dick…even if all he makes her do to him is rich person weird homo games…she’s still a hot bitch…who I don’t mind watching take her man from behind during a yacht shower….I’m perverted like that… To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Adrien Brody and Lara Lieto Awkward Yacht Shower of the Day

Eva Amurri Bikini Pics in Hawaii for July 4th of the Day

Susan Sarandon’s got a really busty daughter, EVA AMURRI who is trying to make it on her own in the exact some field as her ridiculously successful mother, and by make it on her own, I mean call on all fucking favors she can because that’s the way Hollywood works…nepotism….and there is nothing wrong with that…. The only mystery in the whole thing is why she’s taking jobs she needs to get topless for, when she could easily do Disney crap for a paycheck while staying clothed….and the only possible answer is that she likes it…she likes showing off her big tits to the world….or maybe it is her way of pretending she got the gig on her own and really grasps the plight of the struggling actor, even though family friends include all the most powerful people in fucking hollywood… It is like this rich girl I know who thinks she’s roughing it cuz her parents made her move out on her own, into a penthouse appartment they bought her, because they wanted to teach her some responsibility…only with more toplessness on TV nd less all night cocaine fueled after parties filled with torment….. TO SEE HER TOPLESS IN CALIFORNICATION: CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Eva Amurri Bikini Pics in Hawaii for July 4th of the Day