Tag Archives: gruesomeness

Justin Bieber Urges Norweigian Fans to Chill, Listen to Police

The title of Justin Bieber’s latest single is ” Die in Your Arms .” Now we can only hope this won’t be the singer’s fate as he tries to navigate his way through the streets of Norway. Bieber is in Oslo to perform four songs outside that city’s famous opera house – as part of Justin Bieber: All Around the World , a special that airs June 21 on NBC – but crazed followers from around Europe have created a positively chaotic scene that has led police to nearly declare a state of emergency. Justin Bieber Fans Flip Out in Norway With Justin in a secret, secure location, authorities are urging him to hurry up and take the stage so they can then clear the streets – but so far the Biebs has simply responded to the mass hysteria via a Tweet that reads: “…for the show to happen u must all listen to the police. we are all concerned for your safety and i want what is best for u. please listen.” This is far from the first time that overly enthusiastic Justin Bieber fans have caused violent problems. Heck, fans in New Zealand once trampled his mom ! Seriously, people, try to relax. His hair isn’t that adorable.

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Justin Bieber Urges Norweigian Fans to Chill, Listen to Police

Military Moms Breastfeeding in Uniform: National Pride or Over the Line?

National pride? Disgrace? Somewhere in the middle? A photo of two servicewomen breastfeeding their children while in uniform has gone viral and added a new layer to the ongoing debate over nursing in public. It’s probably safe to say the Time Magazine breastfeeding cover went over quite well with Mom2Mom, a breastfeeding support group for military mothers. In a series of tasteful professional photos showing beaming moms nursing kids, one jumps out for obvious reasons: the photo of two servicewomen below … “A lot of people are saying it’s a disgrace to the uniform. They’re comparing it to urinating and defecating [while in uniform],” says Crystal Scott, a military spouse living at Fairchild AFB outside Spokane, Wash., who started Mom2Mom in January. “It’s extremely upsetting. Defecating in public is illegal. Breastfeeding is not.” It was Scott’s idea to ask photographer Brynja Sigurdardottir to take the photos and create posters for National Breastfeeding Awareness Month in August. One of the moms photographed in uniform, Terran Echegoyen-McCabe, breastfeeds her 10-month-old twin girls on her lunch breaks during drill weekends. “I have breast-fed in our lobby, in my car, in the park … and I pump, usually in the locker room,” says the proud member of the Air National Guard.” “I’m proud to be wearing a uniform while breastfeeding. I hope [the photo] encourages other women to know they can, whether they’re active duty, guard or civilian.” She said she’s surprised by the reaction to the photos, which also feature her friend Christina Luna, because it never occurred to her it would cause a stir. “There isn’t a policy saying we can or cannot breastfeed in uniform,” Echegoyen-McCabe says. “I think we do need to be able to breastfeed in uniform and be protected.” What do you think? Should they be allowed to?

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Military Moms Breastfeeding in Uniform: National Pride or Over the Line?

Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo, 65, has been identified as the victim of “Miami Zombie” Rudy Eugene, with a new video detailing the gruesomeness of the attack. Eugene, 31, was shot and killed by police after passersby saw him eating Poppo’s face in a story that has triggered talk of a zombie apocalypse . Poppo, who reports say was homeless for nearly four decades before the grisly incident, is in serious condition, having somehow survived it. Be forewarned: The video below is uncensored and graphic. Rudy Eugene Attack on Ronald Poppo The video depicts Rudy Eugene , who was naked, straddling, punching, and ripping off Poppo’s clothing in the completely unprovoked assault. Poppo, who was was sleeping on the causeway where this took place, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had his face eaten off. Perhaps most astonishingly, a number of people drive by, including one who slows down and CLEARLY notices at the 8:20 mark, yet do nothing. Finally, a bicyclist sees and alerts police around 16:30. Within two minutes of that, Eugene was shot dead and Poppo’s life was saved. When officers yelled at Eugene to stop and he merely ignored their cries and continued feasting, they shot him dead in a hail of bullets. Also nicknamed the Miami cannibal , Eugene’s horrific behavior is said to have been caused by psychosis resulting bath salts, either ingested or injected.

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Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo, 65, has been identified as the victim of “Miami Zombie” Rudy Eugene, with a new video detailing the gruesomeness of the attack. Eugene, 31, was shot and killed by police after passersby saw him eating Poppo’s face in a story that has triggered talk of a zombie apocalypse . Poppo, who reports say was homeless for nearly four decades before the grisly incident, is in serious condition, having somehow survived it. Be forewarned: The video below is uncensored and graphic. Rudy Eugene Attack on Ronald Poppo The video depicts Rudy Eugene , who was naked, straddling, punching, and ripping off Poppo’s clothing in the completely unprovoked assault. Poppo, who was was sleeping on the causeway where this took place, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had his face eaten off. Perhaps most astonishingly, a number of people drive by, including one who slows down and CLEARLY notices at the 8:20 mark, yet do nothing. Finally, a bicyclist sees and alerts police around 16:30. Within two minutes of that, Eugene was shot dead and Poppo’s life was saved. When officers yelled at Eugene to stop and he merely ignored their cries and continued feasting, they shot him dead in a hail of bullets. Also nicknamed the Miami cannibal , Eugene’s horrific behavior is said to have been caused by psychosis resulting bath salts, either ingested or injected.

Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo, 65, has been identified as the victim of “Miami Zombie” Rudy Eugene, with a new video detailing the gruesomeness of the attack. Eugene, 31, was shot and killed by police after passersby saw him eating Poppo’s face in a story that has triggered talk of a zombie apocalypse . Poppo, who reports say was homeless for nearly four decades before the grisly incident, is in serious condition, having somehow survived it. Be forewarned: The video below is uncensored and graphic. Rudy Eugene Attack on Ronald Poppo The video depicts Rudy Eugene , who was naked, straddling, punching, and ripping off Poppo’s clothing in the completely unprovoked assault. Poppo, who was was sleeping on the causeway where this took place, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had his face eaten off. Perhaps most astonishingly, a number of people drive by, including one who slows down and CLEARLY notices at the 8:20 mark, yet do nothing. Finally, a bicyclist sees and alerts police around 16:30. Within two minutes of that, Eugene was shot dead and Poppo’s life was saved. When officers yelled at Eugene to stop and he merely ignored their cries and continued feasting, they shot him dead in a hail of bullets. Also nicknamed the Miami cannibal , Eugene’s horrific behavior is said to have been caused by psychosis resulting bath salts, either ingested or injected.

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Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo, 65, has been identified as the victim of “Miami Zombie” Rudy Eugene, with a new video detailing the gruesomeness of the attack. Eugene, 31, was shot and killed by police after passersby saw him eating Poppo’s face in a story that has triggered talk of a zombie apocalypse . Poppo, who reports say was homeless for nearly four decades before the grisly incident, is in serious condition, having somehow survived it. Be forewarned: The video below is uncensored and graphic. Rudy Eugene Attack on Ronald Poppo The video depicts Rudy Eugene , who was naked, straddling, punching, and ripping off Poppo’s clothing in the completely unprovoked assault. Poppo, who was was sleeping on the causeway where this took place, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had his face eaten off. Perhaps most astonishingly, a number of people drive by, including one who slows down and CLEARLY notices at the 8:20 mark, yet do nothing. Finally, a bicyclist sees and alerts police around 16:30. Within two minutes of that, Eugene was shot dead and Poppo’s life was saved. When officers yelled at Eugene to stop and he merely ignored their cries and continued feasting, they shot him dead in a hail of bullets. Also nicknamed the Miami cannibal , Eugene’s horrific behavior is said to have been caused by psychosis resulting bath salts, either ingested or injected.

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Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo, 65, has been identified as the victim of “Miami Zombie” Rudy Eugene, with a new video detailing the gruesomeness of the attack. Eugene, 31, was shot and killed by police after passersby saw him eating Poppo’s face in a story that has triggered talk of a zombie apocalypse . Poppo, who reports say was homeless for nearly four decades before the grisly incident, is in serious condition, having somehow survived it. Be forewarned: The video below is uncensored and graphic. Rudy Eugene Attack on Ronald Poppo The video depicts Rudy Eugene , who was naked, straddling, punching, and ripping off Poppo’s clothing in the completely unprovoked assault. Poppo, who was was sleeping on the causeway where this took place, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had his face eaten off. Perhaps most astonishingly, a number of people drive by, including one who slows down and CLEARLY notices at the 8:20 mark, yet do nothing. Finally, a bicyclist sees and alerts police around 16:30. Within two minutes of that, Eugene was shot dead and Poppo’s life was saved. When officers yelled at Eugene to stop and he merely ignored their cries and continued feasting, they shot him dead in a hail of bullets. Also nicknamed the Miami cannibal , Eugene’s horrific behavior is said to have been caused by psychosis resulting bath salts, either ingested or injected.

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Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo, 65, has been identified as the victim of “Miami Zombie” Rudy Eugene, with a new video detailing the gruesomeness of the attack. Eugene, 31, was shot and killed by police after passersby saw him eating Poppo’s face in a story that has triggered talk of a zombie apocalypse . Poppo, who reports say was homeless for nearly four decades before the grisly incident, is in serious condition, having somehow survived it. Be forewarned: The video below is uncensored and graphic. Rudy Eugene Attack on Ronald Poppo The video depicts Rudy Eugene , who was naked, straddling, punching, and ripping off Poppo’s clothing in the completely unprovoked assault. Poppo, who was was sleeping on the causeway where this took place, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had his face eaten off. Perhaps most astonishingly, a number of people drive by, including one who slows down and CLEARLY notices at the 8:20 mark, yet do nothing. Finally, a bicyclist sees and alerts police around 16:30. Within two minutes of that, Eugene was shot dead and Poppo’s life was saved. When officers yelled at Eugene to stop and he merely ignored their cries and continued feasting, they shot him dead in a hail of bullets. Also nicknamed the Miami cannibal , Eugene’s horrific behavior is said to have been caused by psychosis resulting bath salts, either ingested or injected.

See the article here:
Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo, 65, has been identified as the victim of “Miami Zombie” Rudy Eugene, with a new video detailing the gruesomeness of the attack. Eugene, 31, was shot and killed by police after passersby saw him eating Poppo’s face in a story that has triggered talk of a zombie apocalypse . Poppo, who reports say was homeless for nearly four decades before the grisly incident, is in serious condition, having somehow survived it. Be forewarned: The video below is uncensored and graphic. Rudy Eugene Attack on Ronald Poppo The video depicts Rudy Eugene , who was naked, straddling, punching, and ripping off Poppo’s clothing in the completely unprovoked assault. Poppo, who was was sleeping on the causeway where this took place, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had his face eaten off. Perhaps most astonishingly, a number of people drive by, including one who slows down and CLEARLY notices at the 8:20 mark, yet do nothing. Finally, a bicyclist sees and alerts police around 16:30. Within two minutes of that, Eugene was shot dead and Poppo’s life was saved. When officers yelled at Eugene to stop and he merely ignored their cries and continued feasting, they shot him dead in a hail of bullets. Also nicknamed the Miami cannibal , Eugene’s horrific behavior is said to have been caused by psychosis resulting bath salts, either ingested or injected.

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Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo, 65, has been identified as the victim of “Miami Zombie” Rudy Eugene, with a new video detailing the gruesomeness of the attack. Eugene, 31, was shot and killed by police after passersby saw him eating Poppo’s face in a story that has triggered talk of a zombie apocalypse . Poppo, who reports say was homeless for nearly four decades before the grisly incident, is in serious condition, having somehow survived it. Be forewarned: The video below is uncensored and graphic. Rudy Eugene Attack on Ronald Poppo The video depicts Rudy Eugene , who was naked, straddling, punching, and ripping off Poppo’s clothing in the completely unprovoked assault. Poppo, who was was sleeping on the causeway where this took place, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had his face eaten off. Perhaps most astonishingly, a number of people drive by, including one who slows down and CLEARLY notices at the 8:20 mark, yet do nothing. Finally, a bicyclist sees and alerts police around 16:30. Within two minutes of that, Eugene was shot dead and Poppo’s life was saved. When officers yelled at Eugene to stop and he merely ignored their cries and continued feasting, they shot him dead in a hail of bullets. Also nicknamed the Miami cannibal , Eugene’s horrific behavior is said to have been caused by psychosis resulting bath salts, either ingested or injected.

Go here to read the rest:
Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack