Tag Archives: miami-zombie

Homeless Miami Zombie Attack Victim Ronald Poppo Is Up And Walking, Talking And Cheering On The Heat [Graphic Photo Inside]

Wow… He lived through that??? Ronald Poppo, the man who was viciously attacked in Miami Memorial weekend is doing much better according to his doctors. Miami Zombie Attack Victim Up Walking And Talking In Hospital But it turns out that in addition to having to survive 50% of his face being chewed away, he also had to recover from a gunshot wound: As if things couldn’t have been worse for the vagrant whose face was chewed off by the horrifying “Miami Zombie,” doctors revealed Tuesday that cops accidentally shot him as they tried to save him. Ronald Poppo, 65, had two holes in his left chest when he was brought bleeding to Jackson Memorial Hospital, doctors said. They were apparently entry and exit wounds. Maniac Rudy Eugene, who was not armed, was on top of Poppo when police opened fire to stop the gruesome attack. A stray bullet hit the victim, too. Poppo is recovering surprisingly well, eating, walking and even cheering on his basketball team, doctors said, calling him “charming.” They released two graphic photos of Poppo, showing him in a hospital gown walking down a hallway with help. His nose and right eye is gone, his left eye is covered in a bandage and his forehead and cheeks are a mass of bloody wounds. The bottom half of his face, from his salt and pepper mustache on down, appears okay. “He’s coping remarkably well,” trauma surgeon Nicholas Namias told reporters. “We have mental health professionals to help him.” Doctors said he remembers the horrifying attack but has displayed a surprisingly upbeat attitude. Asked if he had a message before the news conference, doctors said Poppo replied: “Go Heat!” The Miami Heat play Oklahoma City Tuesday night in the NBA finals. Poppo, who was blinded in the attack, has undergone three surgeries so far – including skin grafts – and will need more. “First he needs to recover from the three surgeries he’s already had,” said plastic surgeon Wrood Kassira. He will remain hospitalized for “weeks at least,” Kassira added. The hospital has started a fund to collect donations for the destitute vagrant’s care. So far they’ve raised $15,000. Doctors said they won’t know whether Poppo can be a candidate for a face transplant – an experimental new procedure being funded by the Defense Department – until his wounds heal. The bizarre attack on Poppo, a harmless homeless alcoholic who started life at Manhattan’s prestigious Stuyvesant High School, captured the sympathy of the world. He was reclining under a shady overpass on Memorial Day weekend when a deranged naked wastrel named Rudy Eugene fell upon him unprovoked, beat him and chewed off more than 50% of his face. Eugene, 31, had shed all his clothes and ripped out pages from the Bible he always carried he walked along the McArthur Causeway joining the city to Miami Beach, CBS reported. Eugene was shot and killed by police when he refused to stop attacking Poppo. An autopsy found no parts of Poppo’s face in Eugene’s stomach – contradicting accounts by appalled witnesses that the attacker was swallowing the pieces of flesh he ripped away with his teeth. The autopsy did not find an explanation for Eugene’s unusual behavior, though more tests are still pending. Poppo’s family in the New York area had long believed him dead. So far, Poppo has not had any visitors, doctors said. That’s really sad that his family hasn’t come to visit him. We think the Miami Heat should head over to the hospital as soon as they have a chance, especially if they win this championship. Well, if curiosity has the best of you, you can check out the photo of what Poppo looks like now below: Source Jackson Memorial Hospital

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Homeless Miami Zombie Attack Victim Ronald Poppo Is Up And Walking, Talking And Cheering On The Heat [Graphic Photo Inside]

Paris Hilton: Dumped By Afrojack!

Paris Hilton and DJ Afrojack have broken up after dating for six months … In other news, Paris Hilton and Afrojack were apparently dating for like six months. Says a source close to the random, now-former couple: “Afrojack had moved into Paris’ Beverly Hills mansion earlier this year, and they got serious, very fast … Paris was really into him and admires his work.” “Afrojack did a lot of the work on Paris’ new album

Arizona Girl Given Fake Award For Best Homework Excuses; Mom Says Teacher "Humiliated" Her

The mother of an 8-year-old girl presented with a “Catastrophe Award” for the best/most excuses for not doing homework believes her child was humiliated by her teacher. Christina Valdez said her daughter, Cassandra Garcia, came home one day from class at Desert Springs Academy in Tucson, Ariz., with the paper award. The document, which looks like a colorful card, says: “You’re Tops! Catastrophe Award . Awarded to Cassandra Garcia. For Most Excuses for Not Having Homework!” The teacher signed and dated the card, which included a smiley face. Eight-Year-Old Wins ‘Catastrophe Award’ The teacher announced the award in front of Garcia’s entire third grade class, while other students laughed at her daughter, Valdez told KGUN-TV in Tucson. When she called to complain, the principal “blew me off,” Valdez added. “She said it was a joke that was played and that the teachers joke around with the children.” Valdez told KGUN that she didn’t find any of it funny. “I think it’s cruel and no child should be given an award like this. It’s disturbing,” she said, adding that she was unaware of any problem with homework.

Continued here:
Arizona Girl Given Fake Award For Best Homework Excuses; Mom Says Teacher "Humiliated" Her

Kathie Lee Gifford to Martin Short: How is Your Late Wife?

This clip is just painful to watch. In an interview with Martin Short on The Today Show this morning, Kathie Lee Gifford asked the actor about his kids and their occupations – and then thought she was being complimentary by adding: “And you and Nancy have one of the greatest marriages of anybody in show business. How many years now for you guys?” The extremely awkward problem, however, is that Short’s wife passed away from ovarian cancer in 2010. Watch the exchange now to see how well Short handled the questions related to him and Nancy. Kathie Lee Gifford Interview with Martin Short Gifford Tweeted not long after the interview aired: “I send my sincerest apologies to Martin Short and his family. He handled situation w/enormous grace and kindness and I’m so grateful.”

Originally posted here:
Kathie Lee Gifford to Martin Short: How is Your Late Wife?

Michelle Obama (Sort of) Speaks on Barack’s Pot-Smoking Ways

Leave it to Michelle Obama to take the high road. Pun sort of intended. While appearing on The Daily Show to promote her newest book, American Grown , the First Lady was asked about President Barack Obama’s pot-smoking past. Stewart likened Obama’s youth to “the script of a Cheech and Chong movie.” Not surprisingly, the Commander-in-Chief’s better half had a classy response. “He was like many young people,” she said, adding that her husband changed his ways in college when “he realized he could do more with his life.” Stewart later tried to a comparison between President Obama and George W. Bush, whose past was also “out there,” saying “he really related to that.” “I’m not taking any bait,” Obama quickly replied, to Stewart’s amusement. The First Lady is classy and funny, ladies and gentlemen.

Michelle Obama (Sort of) Speaks on Barack’s Pot-Smoking Ways

Military Moms Breastfeeding in Uniform: National Pride or Over the Line?

National pride? Disgrace? Somewhere in the middle? A photo of two servicewomen breastfeeding their children while in uniform has gone viral and added a new layer to the ongoing debate over nursing in public. It’s probably safe to say the Time Magazine breastfeeding cover went over quite well with Mom2Mom, a breastfeeding support group for military mothers. In a series of tasteful professional photos showing beaming moms nursing kids, one jumps out for obvious reasons: the photo of two servicewomen below … “A lot of people are saying it’s a disgrace to the uniform. They’re comparing it to urinating and defecating [while in uniform],” says Crystal Scott, a military spouse living at Fairchild AFB outside Spokane, Wash., who started Mom2Mom in January. “It’s extremely upsetting. Defecating in public is illegal. Breastfeeding is not.” It was Scott’s idea to ask photographer Brynja Sigurdardottir to take the photos and create posters for National Breastfeeding Awareness Month in August. One of the moms photographed in uniform, Terran Echegoyen-McCabe, breastfeeds her 10-month-old twin girls on her lunch breaks during drill weekends. “I have breast-fed in our lobby, in my car, in the park … and I pump, usually in the locker room,” says the proud member of the Air National Guard.” “I’m proud to be wearing a uniform while breastfeeding. I hope [the photo] encourages other women to know they can, whether they’re active duty, guard or civilian.” She said she’s surprised by the reaction to the photos, which also feature her friend Christina Luna, because it never occurred to her it would cause a stir. “There isn’t a policy saying we can or cannot breastfeed in uniform,” Echegoyen-McCabe says. “I think we do need to be able to breastfeed in uniform and be protected.” What do you think? Should they be allowed to?

Go here to see the original:
Military Moms Breastfeeding in Uniform: National Pride or Over the Line?

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher NOT Reuniting, Source Claims

So much for Dashton 2.0. Following chatter that Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher might reunite as a couple – because the latter made a passionate speech and the two shared an embrace at a recent birthday party – an insider tells People that the stars are simply friends. Without benefits. “The family is in a pretty good place right now, but Ashton and Demi won’t go back to being what they were,” this source tells the magazine. “Ashton will always be a part of their lives, especially with regard to the girls and how close he is with them.” Might we see the former couple interact again in public? Or hear stories about them getting along in private? Sure, this mole confirms. But that’s simply because Kutcher “will always support” his ex. Nothing more should be read into the relationship. “[It] has evolved and will continue to,” the friend says, but: “There are just too many issues to go back. It’s about figuring out how to move forward into a new place.” Ideally, a place that doesn’t involve Kutcher being racist .

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher NOT Reuniting, Source Claims

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher NOT Reuniting, Source Claims

So much for Dashton 2.0. Following chatter that Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher might reunite as a couple – because the latter made a passionate speech and the two shared an embrace at a recent birthday party – an insider tells People that the stars are simply friends. Without benefits. “The family is in a pretty good place right now, but Ashton and Demi won’t go back to being what they were,” this source tells the magazine. “Ashton will always be a part of their lives, especially with regard to the girls and how close he is with them.” Might we see the former couple interact again in public? Or hear stories about them getting along in private? Sure, this mole confirms. But that’s simply because Kutcher “will always support” his ex. Nothing more should be read into the relationship. “[It] has evolved and will continue to,” the friend says, but: “There are just too many issues to go back. It’s about figuring out how to move forward into a new place.” Ideally, a place that doesn’t involve Kutcher being racist .

Read more:
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher NOT Reuniting, Source Claims

Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo, 65, has been identified as the victim of “Miami Zombie” Rudy Eugene, with a new video detailing the gruesomeness of the attack. Eugene, 31, was shot and killed by police after passersby saw him eating Poppo’s face in a story that has triggered talk of a zombie apocalypse . Poppo, who reports say was homeless for nearly four decades before the grisly incident, is in serious condition, having somehow survived it. Be forewarned: The video below is uncensored and graphic. Rudy Eugene Attack on Ronald Poppo The video depicts Rudy Eugene , who was naked, straddling, punching, and ripping off Poppo’s clothing in the completely unprovoked assault. Poppo, who was was sleeping on the causeway where this took place, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had his face eaten off. Perhaps most astonishingly, a number of people drive by, including one who slows down and CLEARLY notices at the 8:20 mark, yet do nothing. Finally, a bicyclist sees and alerts police around 16:30. Within two minutes of that, Eugene was shot dead and Poppo’s life was saved. When officers yelled at Eugene to stop and he merely ignored their cries and continued feasting, they shot him dead in a hail of bullets. Also nicknamed the Miami cannibal , Eugene’s horrific behavior is said to have been caused by psychosis resulting bath salts, either ingested or injected.

See the original post here:
Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack

Ronald Poppo, 65, has been identified as the victim of “Miami Zombie” Rudy Eugene, with a new video detailing the gruesomeness of the attack. Eugene, 31, was shot and killed by police after passersby saw him eating Poppo’s face in a story that has triggered talk of a zombie apocalypse . Poppo, who reports say was homeless for nearly four decades before the grisly incident, is in serious condition, having somehow survived it. Be forewarned: The video below is uncensored and graphic. Rudy Eugene Attack on Ronald Poppo The video depicts Rudy Eugene , who was naked, straddling, punching, and ripping off Poppo’s clothing in the completely unprovoked assault. Poppo, who was was sleeping on the causeway where this took place, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had his face eaten off. Perhaps most astonishingly, a number of people drive by, including one who slows down and CLEARLY notices at the 8:20 mark, yet do nothing. Finally, a bicyclist sees and alerts police around 16:30. Within two minutes of that, Eugene was shot dead and Poppo’s life was saved. When officers yelled at Eugene to stop and he merely ignored their cries and continued feasting, they shot him dead in a hail of bullets. Also nicknamed the Miami cannibal , Eugene’s horrific behavior is said to have been caused by psychosis resulting bath salts, either ingested or injected.

Continued here:
Ronald Poppo Identified as "Miami Zombie" Victim; New Video Shows Uncensored Rudy Eugene Attack