Tag Archives: hand-as-george

Publishers to Casey Anthony: Hit the Bricks, Tot Mom!

Amid reports that NBC is trying to secure a book deal for Casey Anthony in exchange for an interview… not a lot of publishers are showing interest in such a deal. The biggest names in publishing want nothing to do with “Tot Mom” (copyright Nancy Grace), with one even calling this hypothetical book deal “blood money.” Check out the statements of three prominent publishing houses: “We are 100% not interested. We are NOT NOT NOT interested. Simon & Schuster is not publishing, and has never intended to publish, any book by Casey Anthony, her family, attorneys or any member of her team.” – Simon & Schuster “We are still planning on publishing the prosecutor’s book who was involved in the Casey Anthony case, so we have no plans in releasing a Casey Anthony book. We’re sticking with the prosecutor.” – Harper Collins “We have no plans on doing a book deal with Casey Anthony.” – Penguin Another publisher that asked not to be named had this to say when asked if they would be interested in such a project: “Hell no … it’s blood money.” Tough break, Case. You could always start a blog.

See the original post:
Publishers to Casey Anthony: Hit the Bricks, Tot Mom!

Fashion Face-Off: Stacy Keibler vs. Julianne Hough

Warning: the following Fashion Face-Off may cause your computer screen to fog up. Both Stacy Keibler and Julianne Hough walked the red carpet of last night’s Hollywood Film Awards held at The Beverly Hilton hotel in Beverly Hills, California and, somehow, the path under these hotties’ feet did not catch on fire. Keibler was on hand as George Clooney’s date, while Hough was there to represent her remake of Footloose . Both looked gorgeous. But only one could look the MOST gorgeous. Vote that individual now:

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Fashion Face-Off: Stacy Keibler vs. Julianne Hough