Tag Archives: the-prosecutor

Bolitics: Quentin Tarentino Says It’s “Sickening The Way Black And Brown People Are Being Shot” [Video]

Quentin Tarantino Speaks On His Disgust With Police Brutality The director’s thoughts on police brutality starts around 37 minute mark. Via Breitbar t Tarantino said, “For the last year and a half, you have been sitting at home and watching seemingly one incident after another of black and brown people, unarmed, being shot by the police in extremely questionable ways and not having the patrol offers for the most part facing anything other than internal tribunals. And the prosecutors are not representing—the prosecutor that was involved in the case did not represent Tamir Rice. He represented the cop who shot him. And that is just not OK.” He continued, “And what’s going on in Chicago right now when you look at that video that has come out in the last few days. It’s over tipping the Chicago governmental system like an apple cart. And as disturbing as the shooting is, it is just as disturbing, there must have been eight or nine cops on the scene right there, and none of them said anything. None of them did anything. None of them changed their stories. None of them—they just shut up and they let this thing—cover up happen for a year now and it makes you wonder you know, who side are you on?”

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Bolitics: Quentin Tarentino Says It’s “Sickening The Way Black And Brown People Are Being Shot” [Video]

#ByeWigs: Nene Leakes Says She’s ‘Happier’ Since Leaving RHOA And Explains Why She Jumped Ship

Nene Leakes Says She’s Happier Since Leaving RHOA Former RHOA star Nene Leakes recently opened up about her reality TV past and says she feels much ‘happier’ since departying from the Bravo series. Leakes said this to CBS News : I feel like I’m happier. When you work in a lot of negativity, it becomes a part of who you are and I feel like I’m getting back to me, myself and I. It’s happy and free. It’s been a refreshing time away from the girls. I’ve done [the show] every season for eight years so I really needed to have a break. I’m not saying I would never ever go back, but it was good to step away. I’m a part of the Bravo family. I love Bravo, they love me — I have a great relationship with Andy Cohen. Everybody over there loves me. We all have a good relationship. I started the show and I’d go back whenever I felt like going back. I just don’t ever want to say never. When was the breaking point ? The whole time I was doing season 7, I was just dying. I was like, “Oh my God. I can’t take it anymore.” To me, when I really, really was like “This is it” was when I walked into scenes and the girls would just focus on me as if they wanted to argue with me. Do you think Nene will ever return to RHOA??

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#ByeWigs: Nene Leakes Says She’s ‘Happier’ Since Leaving RHOA And Explains Why She Jumped Ship

No Justice: Experts Conclude That Shooting Of 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Was ‘Justified’

This…is…some…bull…isht. Reviews Say Cleveland Officer Acted Reasonably In Shooting Tamir Rice Two “independent” experts have concluded the unarmed shooting death of Tamir Rice was justified. According to a retired F.B.I. agent and a prosecutor, officer Tim Loehmann acted “justifiable” when he shot the 12-year-old within two seconds for holding a toy gun. The New York Times reports: Two outside investigators looking into the death of Tamir Rice have concluded that a Cleveland police officer, Tim Loehmann, acted reasonably in deciding last year to shoot when he confronted the 12-year-old boy carrying what turned out to be a replica gun. Those opinions, reached separately by a Colorado prosecutor and a former F.B.I. supervisory special agent, were released Saturday night by the Cuyahoga County prosecutor, Timothy J. McGinty, whose office will ultimately present evidence in the case to a grand jury to decide on possible criminal charges. “The question is not whether every officer would have reacted the same way,” Kimberly A. Crawford, the retired F.B.I. agent, wrote in her report, which noted that Officer Loehmann had no way of knowing Tamir’s gun was fake. “Rather, the relevant inquiry is whether a reasonable officer, confronting the exact same scenario under identical conditions could have concluded that deadly force was necessary.” The reports, which were commissioned by the prosecutor’s office, come almost 11 months after the shooting outside a recreation center on Nov. 22, 2014. Both Ms. Crawford and S. Lamar Sims, the prosecutor from Colorado, said in their reports that they were evaluating Officer Loehmann’s actions under the United States Constitution, not Ohio state law. “There can be no doubt that Rice’s death was tragic and, indeed, when one considers his age, heartbreaking,” Mr. Sims wrote. But he added that “Officer Loehmann’s belief that Rice posed a threat of serious physical harm or death was objectively reasonable as was his response to that perceived threat.” SMFH…this is just the latest bit of tragic news surrounding Tamir’s death. What do YOU think about this situation???

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No Justice: Experts Conclude That Shooting Of 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Was ‘Justified’

Picture of Gregory Graf kills Jessica Padgett

Gregory Graf recorded himself sexually abusing the body of Jessica Padgett, Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli said on Friday.Necrophilia motivated a man to fatally shoot his stepdaughter last month, according to a Pennsylvania prosecutor.Gregory Graf recorded himself sexually abusing the body of Jessica Padgett, Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli said on Friday. The video was discovered a day earlier on Graf#39;s computer, the prosecutor said.Padgett, 33, was

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Picture of Gregory Graf kills Jessica Padgett

11 Celebrity Make Up Fail Moments

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11 Celebrity Make Up Fail Moments

The Swirl Gone Wrong: Boyfriend Kills Girlfriend’s 3-Year Old Son In Fit Of Rage! [Video]

26-year-old Marcus Johnson is charged with first-degree intentional homicide in the death of three-year-old Hunter Wise. In court on Monday, the prosecutor said every homicide is tragic, but he can barely think of anything more heinous than what occurred in this case. The prosecutor indicated Johnson tortured the three-year-old. The boy had an eye injury, burns on his buttocks and ankle, he may have been dipped in scalding water and may have died due to shock and trauma. “The injuries were severe. There wasn’t just one injury. There were many injuries. This child obviously suffered,” the prosecutor said. Court documents say Wise may have soiled his pants, which may have led Johnson to discipline the boy. . Johnson is the boyfriend of the child’s mother, Samantha Rush. Wise’s father, Joseph M. Wise said “My son was everything to me. I would have done everything for him. I’m going to be honest. I hope (Johnson) never sees daylight again. For a man to do something like that to an infant is just wrong in so many ways. I just can’t even believe a person would do something of this nature,” the boy’s father said. In 2008, Johnson was charged with battery and disorderly conduct, and accused of domestic abuse. youtube fox6now.com

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The Swirl Gone Wrong: Boyfriend Kills Girlfriend’s 3-Year Old Son In Fit Of Rage! [Video]

Publishers to Casey Anthony: Hit the Bricks, Tot Mom!

Amid reports that NBC is trying to secure a book deal for Casey Anthony in exchange for an interview… not a lot of publishers are showing interest in such a deal. The biggest names in publishing want nothing to do with “Tot Mom” (copyright Nancy Grace), with one even calling this hypothetical book deal “blood money.” Check out the statements of three prominent publishing houses: “We are 100% not interested. We are NOT NOT NOT interested. Simon & Schuster is not publishing, and has never intended to publish, any book by Casey Anthony, her family, attorneys or any member of her team.” – Simon & Schuster “We are still planning on publishing the prosecutor’s book who was involved in the Casey Anthony case, so we have no plans in releasing a Casey Anthony book. We’re sticking with the prosecutor.” – Harper Collins “We have no plans on doing a book deal with Casey Anthony.” – Penguin Another publisher that asked not to be named had this to say when asked if they would be interested in such a project: “Hell no … it’s blood money.” Tough break, Case. You could always start a blog.

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Publishers to Casey Anthony: Hit the Bricks, Tot Mom!

Report: Montana Fishburne Punked P.I. With Fake Suicide Attempt

Montana Fishburne put on a show for the private investigator her dad hired to follow her around, faking a suicide attempt just to f*%k with the guy. Seriously. Last August, Montana’s dad, Laurence Fishburne, was so concerned about her that he had a P.I. follow her. Apparently Montana got wind of it, too. Sex tape star Montana Fishburne knows about putting on a show. The investigator shot video of Montana drinking what appeared to be bleach, but it turns out she faked that whole charade just “to put on a show.” This came up in the ongoing criminal assault case against Montana, whose lawyer claims it illustrates her troubled mental state. Not a big stretch. Shawn Chapman Holley wants to get a plea deal that involved rehab, not jail time, for Montana after she beat the crap out of her boyfriend’s ex. The prosecutor agreed to the deal, but has since disavowed it and wants her to do time, claiming that the video was a stunt of a different kind. The prosecutor argues that the fake suicide attempt was “a ploy by the defendant to manipulate the People to offer a more lenient sentence.” Shortly after sending the video to the prosecutor, Holley learned it was fake and told the prosecutor everyone had been duped, including her. Holley is asking the judge to enforce the original deal, which is rehab and no jail. The prosecutor is steadfast about NOT honoring that deal.

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Report: Montana Fishburne Punked P.I. With Fake Suicide Attempt

Prosecutor Goes After Lindsay with a Vengeance

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan , Celebrity Justice TMZ has learned the prosecutor in the Lindsay Lohan probation case is gunning for Lindsay in a big way … and even plans to investigate the alcohol education program Lindsay has been attending.

Lindsay Lohan in the Clear Over Photo

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan , Celebrity Justice Lindsay Lohan won’t have to answer to the prosecutor or the judge over the photo TMZ posted this morning … showing Lindsay partying with a strange white powder in the foreground. A spokesperson for the L.A. County D.A.’s office tells TMZ they will not… Read more

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Lindsay Lohan in the Clear Over Photo