Tag Archives: shooting-tamir

No Justice: Experts Conclude That Shooting Of 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Was ‘Justified’

This…is…some…bull…isht. Reviews Say Cleveland Officer Acted Reasonably In Shooting Tamir Rice Two “independent” experts have concluded the unarmed shooting death of Tamir Rice was justified. According to a retired F.B.I. agent and a prosecutor, officer Tim Loehmann acted “justifiable” when he shot the 12-year-old within two seconds for holding a toy gun. The New York Times reports: Two outside investigators looking into the death of Tamir Rice have concluded that a Cleveland police officer, Tim Loehmann, acted reasonably in deciding last year to shoot when he confronted the 12-year-old boy carrying what turned out to be a replica gun. Those opinions, reached separately by a Colorado prosecutor and a former F.B.I. supervisory special agent, were released Saturday night by the Cuyahoga County prosecutor, Timothy J. McGinty, whose office will ultimately present evidence in the case to a grand jury to decide on possible criminal charges. “The question is not whether every officer would have reacted the same way,” Kimberly A. Crawford, the retired F.B.I. agent, wrote in her report, which noted that Officer Loehmann had no way of knowing Tamir’s gun was fake. “Rather, the relevant inquiry is whether a reasonable officer, confronting the exact same scenario under identical conditions could have concluded that deadly force was necessary.” The reports, which were commissioned by the prosecutor’s office, come almost 11 months after the shooting outside a recreation center on Nov. 22, 2014. Both Ms. Crawford and S. Lamar Sims, the prosecutor from Colorado, said in their reports that they were evaluating Officer Loehmann’s actions under the United States Constitution, not Ohio state law. “There can be no doubt that Rice’s death was tragic and, indeed, when one considers his age, heartbreaking,” Mr. Sims wrote. But he added that “Officer Loehmann’s belief that Rice posed a threat of serious physical harm or death was objectively reasonable as was his response to that perceived threat.” SMFH…this is just the latest bit of tragic news surrounding Tamir’s death. What do YOU think about this situation???

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No Justice: Experts Conclude That Shooting Of 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Was ‘Justified’