Tag Archives: eight-or-nine

Congratulations! Gabrielle Union & Dwyane Wade Welcome Baby Girl Via Surrogate

Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic Gabrielle Union & Dwyane Wade Welcome Baby Via Surrogate Gabrielle Union is a mom! The actress, 46, posted pictures today of herself holding her baby girl that she and Dwyane Wade welcomed via surrogate. “We are sleepless and delirious but so excited to share that our miracle baby arrived last night via surrogate and 11/7 will forever be etched in our hearts as the most loveliest of all the lovely days,” Gabby wrote on Instagram. “Welcome to the party sweet girl! #onelastdance #skintoskin @dwyanewade .” This is BIG news for Gabby. Back in 2017, she wrote in her book “We’re Going to Need More Wine” that she’s suffered multiple miscarriages and failed IVF treatments. “I have had eight or nine miscarriages,” wrote Gabby. “For three years, my body has been a prisoner of trying to get pregnant — I’ve either been about to go into an IVF cycle, in the middle of an IVF cycle, or coming out of an IVF cycle.” Photographer Group / Splash News Congrats Gabby!

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Congratulations! Gabrielle Union & Dwyane Wade Welcome Baby Girl Via Surrogate

Bolitics: Quentin Tarentino Says It’s “Sickening The Way Black And Brown People Are Being Shot” [Video]

Quentin Tarantino Speaks On His Disgust With Police Brutality The director’s thoughts on police brutality starts around 37 minute mark. Via Breitbar t Tarantino said, “For the last year and a half, you have been sitting at home and watching seemingly one incident after another of black and brown people, unarmed, being shot by the police in extremely questionable ways and not having the patrol offers for the most part facing anything other than internal tribunals. And the prosecutors are not representing—the prosecutor that was involved in the case did not represent Tamir Rice. He represented the cop who shot him. And that is just not OK.” He continued, “And what’s going on in Chicago right now when you look at that video that has come out in the last few days. It’s over tipping the Chicago governmental system like an apple cart. And as disturbing as the shooting is, it is just as disturbing, there must have been eight or nine cops on the scene right there, and none of them said anything. None of them did anything. None of them changed their stories. None of them—they just shut up and they let this thing—cover up happen for a year now and it makes you wonder you know, who side are you on?”

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Bolitics: Quentin Tarentino Says It’s “Sickening The Way Black And Brown People Are Being Shot” [Video]

The Internet Is Real Life: Milwaukee Teen Shot Dead After Facebook Feud Over Girl

14-Year-Old Killed In Milwaukee After Facebook Fight Over A Girl Can we PLEASE stop acting like the things that happen online don’t have real life consequences. The phrase “It’s just the internet” needs to be put to rest… Via Fox6 A 14-year-old boy is dead after a fight over a girl on Facebook led to a shooting near the intersection of N. Lake and E. Wyoming on Milwaukee’s east side. The shooting took place at approximately 10:30 p.m. Friday night, July 3rd. Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn addressed the media and stated eight or nine shots were fired while officers were patrolling the U.S. Bank Fireworks on Milwaukee’s lakefront — just yards from the shooting. The 14-year-old boy was found pulseless after being shot in the head. Five officers in relay teams worked to save the boy. The officers were able to get a pulse back but the boy later died at Children’s Hospital. “Words can’t express our frustration,” said Chief Flynn in a news conference with reporters. “This is more than a crime wave, this is a social phenomenon.” Authorities say they do have leads in regards to the suspect who shot the boy — but no one is in custody at this time. R.I.P. to this young man, thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones. Image via Shutterstock

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The Internet Is Real Life: Milwaukee Teen Shot Dead After Facebook Feud Over Girl

Lil Wayne Returns To New Orleans To Give Out Turkeys

‘It’s a beautiful feeling overall,’ Weezy tells MTV News, alongside Cash Money co-founders Birdman and Slim. By Rob Markman, with reporting by Travis Laurendine Lil Wayne Photo: Travis Laurendine Who says you can’t go home again? With Thanksgiving just a few days away, Cash Money Records returned to New Orleans on Friday to hand out turkeys and give back to the city that birthed them. “It’s actually been my first time back here for the past eight or nine years, and they’ve been doing this for 15 years,” Lil Wayne told MTV News. “I haven’t been back here to do this for so long just being super busy, just always on tour.” Since Cash Money’s meteoric rise in the music industry, Tunechi and Birdman have since relocated to Miami but have never forgotten their roots. Every year Baby and members of the Cash Money team return to help out the less fortunate, and even though it has been some years since Wayne himself went back to his old stomping grounds, Friday’s experience isn’t lost on him. “Those times I did it years ago, I was just a kid and I was just doing it because Baby and Slim, we were giving away turkeys at a park and that’s what we were doin’,” Weezy said. “Now it’s a totally different feeling, because I can actually give you that and say, ‘Here, happy Thanksgiving.’ I can do that, and I can provide that for you. That’s a different feeling in general, and it’s a beautiful feeling overall.” Typically quiet Cash Money co-founder Ronald “Slim” Williams doesn’t take his record label’s success for granted. “God blessed people to bless other people,” he said. “It makes it so special for us to come back home and see a smile on people’s face after they received their turkeys and all the other items that go with it. So it’s real big and real special for us.” Overall, CMR co-CEO Birdman just wants the people from his old neighborhood to know that despite his multiplatinum success, he isn’t that much different than the people in New Orleans. He hopes that going back to the community where he made his bones will spawn a new cycle of success. “Knowing we once were them, so for me to see that they see us hopefully it’s an inspiration for them and something positive can come out of it, because we once were them,” he said. Related Artists Lil Wayne

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Lil Wayne Returns To New Orleans To Give Out Turkeys