Tag Archives: hanging

Ashley Benson Bikini Instagrams

I’m always in favor of a celebrity posting pictures on Instagram. Especially, when they’re in a bikini. So here we have Ashley Benson giving us a taste of her vacation in Mexico. Unfortunately, the video she provided us on Keek has her hanging around with some douchebags. This upsets me because I want to know how I can become one of those douchebags too. Any advice Ashley could give me would be greatly appreciated.

Karrine Steffans and Bow Wow Keep Each Other Company [VIDEO]

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Persistent attention whore and author Karrine Steffans has uploaded a video of her hanging out with her friend, Bow Wow. During the clip, Bow Wow…

Karrine Steffans and Bow Wow Keep Each Other Company [VIDEO]

Carmen Electra and Ronda Rousey Sparringsm of the Day

Carmen Electra needs better management. I realize the stars who were representing her in the 90s when she successfully made the move from girl in Playboy to girl on MTV who made a lot of money…something very few girls have done before her….but it was back in the Pam Anderson / Jenny McCarthy/ Hef was booking hot enough girls for the mag, cuz he wasn’t a senile fuck who developed a love for manly lookin’ bitches with bad hair and bad tits, that if you’ve ever seen Playboy the last 3 years, you can probably agree with…unless you are one of Hef’s girls and this makes you sad and feel bad about yourself, which is should…. But what ever this hanging on to what she had strategy is, it is horrible. She’s staging self shot bikinii pics at her house, these are the third or fourth self-produced trying to be sexy acting like she’s not 40 in the last 2 months, hoping to get noticed, and this time she recruited a UFC girl with a huge fan base to join her, in efforts to steal some of her fans and get noticded… It is pathetic…but not as pathetic as some of her club night appearances…. Sometimes, it is time to hang up the thong and retire gracefully….this is one of those times. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Carmen Electra and Ronda Rousey Sparringsm of the Day

Paris Hilton Skinny Girl Bikini Pictures

Paris Hilton isn’t exactly known as one of the bustiest of pseudo-celebrities, unless she’s wearing one of her awesome magical push up bras , so getting pictures of her in a bikini shouldn’t be all that exciting. That being said, my crotch is really enjoying these shots of her hanging out in her little bikini top. What can I say, I like half naked skinny chicks. Probably because I’m so used to having them give me lap dances. Good times.

Tara Reid leaves Katsuya with two entertaining pop artist.


Tara Reid leaves Katsuya tonight Hanging with a very interesting pair of Twins. Tara says “There big overseas” The two apparently had a lot of energy and were excited to speak with Hollywood TV. “Like” us on Facebook @ facebook.com


Tara Reid leaves Katsuya with two entertaining pop artist.

Kelly Brook In Bed With A Fat Slob… I Have A Chance!

It’s strange, I’ve always had this feeling in my gut that Kelly Brook and I would be good together. Obviously I never thought that I had a chance, she’s WAY too hot for a lowly blogger like myself, that is until I saw this picture of her hanging out on what looks like a cheap motel bed with some fat slob in a Speedo …. The dream is still alive. I don’t know what this is all about, but I don’t like it one bit. That should be me. Although, I wouldn’t trust myself in a Speedo this close to such a hot piece.

Justin Bieber, Big Time Rush Have Big Time Fun In Mexico

Pop sensation Justin Bieber and Nickelodeon stars Big Time Rush spent some muy bueno time together hanging out recently in Mexico. Don't believe us? Well that's fine. But we have the photographic evidence and we're … Read the original: Justin Bieber, Big Time Rush Have Big Time Fun In Mexico

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Justin Bieber, Big Time Rush Have Big Time Fun In Mexico

JoJo Has Been A Major Letdown

I’m not sure about this JoJo chick, I mean I like pseudo celebrity women with tight little bodies as much as the next guy, but I don’t know if she’s all that hot. I guess she’s kind of a celebrity, if you’re into songs that nobody knows anything about, but she looks a little too manly for my taste. She’s supposed to look young and sexy, not angry like she’s had a lifetime of disappointment. Although, I think she was supposed to be a lot more popular by now, so she might be kind of pissed. time to turn to porn.

Blake Lively Because She’s Hot

I think you guys already know how much I love Blake Lively , so these pictures of her hanging out on the set of her crappy TV show shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. I love it. She’s the kind of woman that I could really see myself taking a bath with every night for like the next thirty years or so. Or at least until she gets fat and irrelevant. But until then, I’ll supply the bath oils and rubber ducky. Obviously I’m referring to my penis.

Adrienne Curry Topless Tanning for Twitter of the Day

Adrienne Curry isn’t a fan of this site….in fact…she actually told me off once for being an asshole…I don’t remember what was said, because it was hardly eventful, but I do know it resulted in me being blocked and her posting as many suggestive pics as possible like she found the answer to getting back in the lowest level of fame she once had thanks to a series of shitty reality shows and more importanlty her getting a divorce from her gravy train that probably stems for an irrational thought that she’s relevant again and that people will finally start hiring her..even though we only notice her cuz it is funny to see her hanging on as naked as she can…..without getting naked…but it is safe to say the nudity is right around the fucking corner….I’m usually good at predicting these things when they are at this level of obvious…. So here’s today’s Adrienne Curry cry for attention….that sadly works cuz we are pathetic…and I’m ready for her sex tape and ultimate suicide….fingers crossed….

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Adrienne Curry Topless Tanning for Twitter of the Day