Tag Archives: hard-hitting

Tiger Is One Lucky Guy

One of Tiger Woods’ alleged mistresses Loredana Ferriolo appeared on what seems to be a very high class, hard hitting news magazine talk show the other day. 60 Minutes and Dateline should have more hot chicks in lingerie with their asses in the air. Just a suggestion. Anyhow, I don’t really give a crap if she banged Tiger or not, I’m just here to report the facts. And the facts are that Loredana has a massive pair of boobies stuffed into a tight black dress that any man would be lucky to play with. Enjoy.

For The Person Who Has Everything…

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1920's Sports Reporter Scoop Callahan

He's just finished interviews with Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, and Lou Gehrig and now he's here to ask the hard hitting questions no one else will ask. (via The High Definite .) Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment