Tag Archives: harmonix-music

On Location with Harmonix and the Rock Band Network

Harmonix and EA certainly hit a pop-culture nerve with Rock Band, and the latest bit of proof has been the incredible response the Rock Band Network has seen since its launch last month. X-Play’s Abbie Heppe sat down with Harmonix’s John Drake to find out more about how Rock Band Network is fairing post-launch. “We’re nearing 200 songs right now in just under a month, which is pretty crazy. We catching up quickly to the Rock Band regular DLC releases in terms of the amount of content. And you know, we are really proud of how well things are selling, how passionate the community is, and how different arists – both big and small – are all in the same store kicking around.” For more on Rock Band Network, and what Jimi Hendrix fans can expect in the downloadable content department, check out the following video: Watch Larger Version | Watch HD Version Rock Band Network – Rock Band – Harmonix Music Systems – Jimi Hendrix – Harmonix

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On Location with Harmonix and the Rock Band Network

MLB 2010 Opening Day: Cracker Jacks, Red Sox Joy And Live Stats

Watching the 2010 baseball season open with my Red Sox pulling out a win against the Skankees was seven kinds of great. To be honest though, all I could think about during the game was popping in MLB 10: The Show and getting back to work on my Road to the Show character — Oakland A’s rookie sensation Jack Gaskins. It definitely didn’t help that Sony ran their hilarious Joe Mauer/Kevin Butler ad for the game a number of times throughout the broadcast. The point is, baseball season is officially underway, and that means, among other things, all those glorious live-stat features built into The Show and MLB 2K10 (or whatever next-gen baseball you play) can finally be put to good use. So if you’re a baseball gamer, please share your plans for your (virtual) 2010 season. Are you a franchise player? A season lover? Like creating a player and watching him rise through the ranks? Prefer the off-the-field minutia that comes from being a manager? And, of course, what’s your team, and what are your predictions for this season? While you’re thinking over your answers, feel free to check out Sony’s newly released opening day trailer for MLB