Tag Archives: hashim-thaci

Thaci faces probe over alleged organ trafficking

Hashim Thaci, Kosovo’s newly re-elected prime minister, is coming under fresh scrutiny over his guerrilla past as European foreign ministers examine allegations about organ trafficking in the 1998-99 war. Dick Marty, a Council of Europe rapporteur, presented a report on Thursday to members of the 47-country organisation that alleges that Mr Thaci, a leader in the Kosovo Liberation Army against Serbia, also formed a powerful “mafia” network among former guerrilla fighters for narcotics and organ trafficking. The council, which promotes human rights, democracy and the rule of law around the continent published the report on its website and tabled it for discussion next month. (more at this link – http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/f4ec439c-093f-11e0-ada6-00144feabdc0.html#axzz18KdRyuM… – this is all over the news in Europe) added by: Vierotchka