Tag Archives: hate-working

Cara Delevingne for Topshop of the Day

Mangled face, mutant face, possibly inbred faced, heroin addict faced, weirdo face Cara Delevingne….who only matters because she’s pulled off some kind of solid scam using her rich girl access to her advantage by associating herself with A-listers, propelling her to the A-list…leading to a modeling career, that more than one photographer who has worked with her have told me she is totally intolerable to work with….a total fucking cunt they hate working with…but that more importantly…a modeling career that would confuse the fuck out of anyone who ever sees her in her candid quirky, definitely ugly candids….but for some reason, looks amazing anytime she does professional photos…like this shit for top shot, that I’m not paid to promote, but that I am paid to be confused by…just not very much…because I’m a failure….and Cara Delevingne is not…

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Cara Delevingne for Topshop of the Day