Tag Archives: haters

Taylor Swift Humanoid AI Nerd Erotica Of the Day

Taylor Swift is the fucking devil…or revealing her actual self as a humanoid AI weird living sex doll that the nerds will jerk off to…because the nerds love robot women because they can’t take real women…they are creepy…. I think it is safe to assume she is a robot – Like Zuckerberg is a Robot…. that is why she exists… I think it’s safe to say it is too bad no one hacked her or shut her down… Because she’s garbage…the worst pile of shit ever. The post Taylor Swift Humanoid AI Nerd Erotica Of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Taylor Swift Humanoid AI Nerd Erotica Of the Day

Meredith Mickelson Proves her Body is Real and that she Works Out of the Day

Merideth Mickelson is some social media model with 1.4 million followers – repped by an agency called The Lions – who rep a lot of the VS models and girl’s not only figured out out to find fake followers on the google for cheap – she’s also managed to get the industry to give her a shot – because that body is skinny and ridiculous… In an era of fat chicks succeeding – it’s nice to see a girl proud of being skinny, not fat, looking good, whether she’s got the fake followers or not – she looks good. I also like that she decided to defend her ridiculous skinny body – by telling the world she starves herself – and by world I mean the 900,000 people from Pakistan who follow her… It’s nice to see a girl serve a purpose and have an actual cause, like telling the haters she isn’t a just photoshopped…like all the other girls, but I bet she has the face injections… Here are some videos of her.. Either way, I like her…. The post Meredith Mickelson Proves her Body is Real and that she Works Out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Meredith Mickelson Proves her Body is Real and that she Works Out of the Day

Victoria Justice’s Busting Out In Lingerie

Obviously, this is an old clip of Victoria Justice , which is quite disappointing since she barely shows any skin nowadays, but did when she was on a kid show. I’m surprised she hasn’t hash-tagged #metoo yet. This “clearly” looks like a situation that she was uncomfortable in. I’ll save her!                

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Victoria Justice’s Busting Out In Lingerie

Victoria Justice’s Busting Out In Lingerie

Obviously, this is an old clip of Victoria Justice , which is quite disappointing since she barely shows any skin nowadays, but did when she was on a kid show. I’m surprised she hasn’t hash-tagged #metoo yet. This “clearly” looks like a situation that she was uncomfortable in. I’ll save her!                

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Victoria Justice’s Busting Out In Lingerie

Bella Thorne Is Winning The Snapchat Game!

Bella Thorne has really outdone herself this time with this hot little number. I’m warning all the haters, if you watch this video for a full minute, you may have a pant fire. So make sure to have a fire extinguisher handy. And make sure to have a free hand to use it.              

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Bella Thorne Is Winning The Snapchat Game!

Bella Thorne Is Winning The Snapchat Game!

Bella Thorne has really outdone herself this time with this hot little number. I’m warning all the haters, if you watch this video for a full minute, you may have a pant fire. So make sure to have a fire extinguisher handy. And make sure to have a free hand to use it.              

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Bella Thorne Is Winning The Snapchat Game!

Ashley Graham is a Pig Bitch Testing Out the Power of Hotel Furniture and Mattresses of the Day

I don’t believe anyone finds a pig in make-up, you know a fat bitch, who is married to big black cock who like fat bitches, but who don’t account for the target demo of the fat bitch clothing she sells, or the noise she makes whining to get into mainstream magazines that normally don’t fall for the mid 30s fat bitch wife, or give her the gig, because they would just ignore her incessant fan letters she’d send daily when husband was at work, kids were at school, or she was at home unable to have kids, because she was so fat she couldn’t get her period and breed…so she’s just watch soap operas and get fatter. I know for a fact – NO ONE LIKES FAT BITCHES…not publicly, at 3 am drunk maybe, but never something you’d admit…and if you did we’d laugh, but not judge because collectively we re fascinated by fat tits….. I know fat chicks don’t like fat chicks, they can pretend they do, but if they did, they wouldn’t hate themselves and eat their feelings.. I know a fat chick scamming, who wishes she wasn’t a fat chick, but loves eating too much to not be a fat chick…. I know she plays the “Fuck the haters card” but just saying that means you care about the haters, and I have a feeling this bitch keeps eating because she’s found an angel.. You know how not to get made fun of for being fat…by not being fat…or saying fat is healthy..when it’s fucking not… But why not be fat when you get fucking paid…fat bitch in a fat fucking movement…pigging out to have a fat fucking bowel movement.. These monsters are fucking vile…fat fucking vile fucking pig bitches no one wants to see, yet they get naked on social media for the BBW porn lovers YES we get it – fat fetishes exist and always have, we’ve seen the magazines…stop fucking shoving fat down all our throats…we collectively hate it AND put some damn pants on your tranny monster…or did you EAT THOSE TOO…. OR MAYBE SHE SPLIT THEM OPEN ….CUZ SHE’S SO DAMN FAT…. I hate you. I also hate that she didn’t fucking make that bed collapse with her big disgusting body that makes a King look like a single… I also hate that the caption on the fat cellulite pic is “Me #sorry not sorry” or something with a princess EMOJI….so empowering…you fucking scammer….all the fat sloppy bitches unite…in a You Go White girl….that said CELLULITE POWER is a real thing if you cut off all the fat you can use it as fuel…i’ve seen Eskimo do it with dead whales… The post Ashley Graham is a Pig Bitch Testing Out the Power of Hotel Furniture and Mattresses of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Ashley Graham is a Pig Bitch Testing Out the Power of Hotel Furniture and Mattresses of the Day

Danielle Mullins: Thanks for My New Career, Haters!

Just because Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali are no longer married doesn’t mean that the 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? couple is done forever with reality television. In fact, it sounds like Danielle already has something lined up. The best 90 Day Fiance  couple would have to be Kirlyam and Alan Cox, right? In case you missed it,  Kirlyam Cox is pregnant and due in just two months! The worst couple on that series would easily be Anfisa Arkhipchenko and Jorge Nava and their toxic , sometimes violent relationship. Paola Mayfield and Russ are somewhere in the middle. Mohamed Jbali and Danielle Mullins may not be as bad as Anfisa and Jorge, but they’re still pretty close to the bottom. As a couple, they were so toxic together that they’re now divorced. In the end, while Mohamed came across as selfish and sleazy and probably a cheater , Danielle herself didn’t seem like a great person. Which is a shame, because she could have tried to present herself as a sympathetic victim. People would have ignored Mohamed’s claims that she had a strange, foul body odor if she’d made herself likable, you know? Instead, she comes across as spiteful. It seems like she set out to ruin Mohamed Jbali’s life as punishment for not having sex with her except for that one time that they banged . Mohamed himself isn’t a great person, either. But after the way that Danielle treated him, people hardly blamed him for hiding from her. (Remember when Mohamed Jbali was missing ? He was okay, but that was weird ) In an interview, Danielle Mullins announces that she’s going to be on  more reality shows. (Probably starting with From Not To Hot , though that’s really a guess) Specifically, she’s signed on with GR Media, who’ve represented … um, such esteemed individuals as Mama June and Farrah Abraham. And Danielle is crediting her haters for her continuing career. “Well, I can say that because of their hate, I’m going to be starting a new journey.” Ah, yes. Because of their hate. For the record, we think that people were hateful because she and Mohamed had an aggressively toxic relationship. There’s a difference between a person on television whose storyline people enjoy and a person who will get people to follow them. We have yet to see whether Danielle can attract viewers out of the context of a dysfunctional engagement and a crumbling marriage. Danielle Mullins says that what makes her so appealing is her popularity, though, so maybe GR Media knows something that we don’t. “Because I’ve been so popular with the  90 Day  series, I’ve recently signed on with Gina Rodriguez [head of GR Media] to manage me. And she’s the manager of Mama June. So she has some big plans for me.” Again, these are also the people behind Farrah Abraham. So … if Danielle makes a transformation on From Not To Hot , is she also going to follow it up with a sex tape? If so, we’re guessing that Mohamed Jbali will take a hard pass. There’s too much bad blood between them, for sure. As for 90 Day Fiance , Danielle isn’t sure that she’s going to appear on the show again. “I don’t know if we’ll be back for another season because, like I said, I signed with Gina, and she has another show in mind for me.” We look forward to the announcement of what it will be. (Though, again, signs point to From Not To Hot ) View Slideshow: 17 Radical Celebrity Transformations

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Danielle Mullins: Thanks for My New Career, Haters!

Demi Lovato Seeks Revenge In Fierce New Song ‘Sorry Not Sorry’

Demi Lovato’s fierce new song, ‘Sorry Not Sorry,’ will help you brush off your haters. It’s the first single off her upcoming sixth album.

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Demi Lovato Seeks Revenge In Fierce New Song ‘Sorry Not Sorry’

Kate Hudson Mangled Face Promoting her Athletic Line of the Day

You may know Kate Hudson as the vagina that has been around the block a few times, but was still able to push our friend Owen Wilson to suicide…. I also know Kate Hudson as the vagina that has been around the block a few times, including having a couple of babies along the way, because she’s a daughter of some hollywood people, and America likes franchises, brands and chain restaurants….so…it only makes sense she’d get a career in stupid ROM/COMs that require little to know effort, like her mom before her… She’s also a business person, in that she gave money or her name to a yoga company, from the same pile of money she used to fund her BOTOX that made her mangled weird face… So I guess she’s already and heiress to money, she’s gone and made money, and is going to make even more money with a brand…and it’s almost like she’s clever, smart and more than just an empty vessel…I mean empty except for all the sperm she’s filled up with…. YA KNOW…I KNOW…Kate Hudson…at an event. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE This event is for a Demi Lovato collab, because that’s how these people work…together, leverage, exploit the masses…where they felt Demi and her Body Positive was better whoring than whatever that bloated weird face on Kate Hudson is…and I agree… The post Kate Hudson Mangled Face Promoting her Athletic Line of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Hudson Mangled Face Promoting her Athletic Line of the Day