Tag Archives: hating-myself

Senator Graham To Vote Against the Climate Bill He Wrote

Photo via Fits News If anyone else out there feels foolish for having been taken a ride by the man who was once the greatest hope for passing a climate bill, know that you’re not alone. I’m hating myself for writing a post that actually suggested that we “thank Lindsey Graham” for saving the climate bill. Then again, there’s no way I could have known that just a few months later, it would become clear that Graham is either an incomprehensible maniac, an opportunistic hack, or both:… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Senator Graham To Vote Against the Climate Bill He Wrote

Mariah Carey Tits at the Golden Globes of the Day

The worst obvious joke that comes with the Golden Globes is when people call celebrity tit their Golden Globes, like if I said “Here’s Mariah Carey and Her Golden Globes at the Golden Globes”. Every year that joke, that I can’t even consider a joke because it’s so fucking stupid, gets played the fuck out, yet every year some asshole thinks it’s a good idea to recycle the shirt and I guess this year, I am that asshole…cuz here are Mariah Carey’s Golden Globes

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Mariah Carey Tits at the Golden Globes of the Day