Tag Archives: hayden-honolka

SMH: Police Remove Black Merit Scholar From Graduation For Refusing To Take Off Kente Cloth

Black Merit Scholar Removed From Graduation For Wearing Kente Cloth A gifted Black teen was forcibly removed from his California high school graduation by police for refusing to remove his traditional African kente cloth according to NY Daily News : Nyree Holmes, 18, was ejected from the ceremony as he walked off the stage on Tuesday at Sleep Train Arena in Sacramento. The graduating Cosumnes Oaks High School senior had been urged to discard the item of clothing several times, and was told police would stop him, if it came to that. “I go through shaking all the hands and smiling feeling as if I won,” Holmes wrote Tuesday on Twitter, according to the Atlanta Black Star. “Then when I get to the stairs I see three sheriffs at the bottom of the stairs. They tell me to leave with them and I said, ‘sure guys let’s go.’” After he was booted, Holmes said he and his father tried to retrieve the teen’s diploma, but school officials refused to give it up. But with the help of a black security guard, Holmes was able to get in “through the exit” and claim his diploma, he wrote on Twitter. Holmes felt the need to wear the kente cloth because as a “descendant of slaves, I have no firm connection to my roots in Africa,” he told the ABS. Check out footage of the teen being escorted out the graduation below: SMH!!!!

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SMH: Police Remove Black Merit Scholar From Graduation For Refusing To Take Off Kente Cloth

Race Matters: 5 Texas Teens Arrested For Spraying ‘Whites Only’ On Rival High School’s Water Fountain

Texas Teens Arrested For Spraying Whites Only All Over Rival School’s Fountains Texas Police have arrested five teens for spray painting racist and transphobic graffiti on several buildings at a rival high school as part of a “senior prank” last week according to WFAA reoirts: Christian Joeckel, Ryan Westbrook, Hayden Honolka, Cameron Bodenstab, and Ethan Sigmond were arrested after an investigation into racist, vulgar and anti-transgender graffiti was conducted on the school’s athletic facilities and restrooms. Joekel, Westbrook, and Honolka are all 17 years old; Bodenstab and Sigmond are 18. All are students at Arlington High, a rival school. According to arrest warrant affidavits, the graffiti included the phrase “whites only” spray painted above a water fountain and “trans only” defacing a men’s bathroom door. Vulgar language not appropriate for publication was painted on athletics banners and trash cans near the football stadium, according to an affidavit. Westbrook said the vandalism was part of a “senior prank,” according to an affidavit. He admitted to defacing a jungle gym with several markings, including the words “payback for the parking lot” and “muck f*** fartin martin.” “Anytime you have hateful messages, [it’s] very concerning,” Cook said. “We’re going to look at that to know who did this [and] what is the motivation?” Discuss. Twitter

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Race Matters: 5 Texas Teens Arrested For Spraying ‘Whites Only’ On Rival High School’s Water Fountain