Tag Archives: hear-several

Hate It Or Love It?!?! Short-Haired Vic Mensa Enlists G-Eazy For “Reverse” [Video]

Are you feeling this new one from Vic Mensa?? Getty/YouTube

Excerpt from:
Hate It Or Love It?!?! Short-Haired Vic Mensa Enlists G-Eazy For “Reverse” [Video]

Meanwhile, Across The Pond: Pissed-Off Papa Lays The Smackdown On Horny Couple Getting It Poppin’ In The Park In Front Of Kids’ Cricket Game [Video]

The term “get a room” was definitely created for folks like this. Clearly, this couple couldn’t wait to get isht cracking while they were outdoors, in an open field in a public park, in the middle of the day, in full veiw of several kids playing Cricket and their families. Obviously, no one was having it, as you can hear several folks calling the police before one father got fed up and just handled the situation himself. SMH. What would you have done if you caught a couple having an…um…romantic moment in full view of you and your family? Getty/YouTube/The Sun

See more here:
Meanwhile, Across The Pond: Pissed-Off Papa Lays The Smackdown On Horny Couple Getting It Poppin’ In The Park In Front Of Kids’ Cricket Game [Video]