Tag Archives: heathens-taking

Hannah Ferguson in Maxim of the Day

I used to always confuse Hannah Ferguson for one of the other Sports Illustrated models that I have been told is an actual hooker you can rent for the night for 10k, or maybe it is 20k, I don’t know both are outrageous prices to someone like me – who wouldn’t really pay for sex unless it was more as a joke – like a 20 dollar blowjob or less…from a crackhead who wants more crack…but to me is less about paying for sex and more about helping a friend in need out…just after letting her suck my dick… The point being that 20k isn’t a lot of money for a lot of people, there are countless rich dudes, whether drug dealers and criminals, or corporate execs who are also criminals, or dot com business people on the hustle…where seeing a bitch from Sports Illustrated and being able to fuck her for 20k is worth it…a power play…but no different than the crackwhores I deal with..just on a different tax bracket..and the fact that some / a lot of these models are doing this…is not empowering, the whorification of america..it’s fucking gross…have some self respect…you fucking sluts addicted to the rich person lifestyle…so much that you’ll whore yourself for it… Now Hannah Ferguson could be a whore, a lot of them are, but I don’t have confirmation on that…but she is the kind of get naked for magazines that don’t matter but that are still putting content out for men…you know a girl who thinks she’s hot, and I guess is hot in the most basic and obvious form…and I guess she likes the attention or being celebrated while naked in magazines, and wants to be stared at…they all do…that’s why they do this…I mean if you have huge tits…you might as well use them… Maxim used to pay me for clicks – then they started sending me take down notices years later for pics they paid me to post – so I find them fucking annoying – but here are the pics anyway… The post Hannah Ferguson in Maxim of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hannah Ferguson in Maxim of the Day

Bella Thorne’s Street Walker Look of the Day

Bella Thorne is walking around in a body suit that reminds me of sex in the 90s, with the crotch snap on a piece of clothing that touched pussy / asshole and nipple all at the same time, nothing like a piece of fabric with shit stains, period stains and lactating titty stains ALL AT THE SAME TIME…. a piece of clothing that was re-released by the assholes at American Apparel…to relive the glory days of the 90s….and she looks like a street hooker, all puffy nippled…with her little shorts on…and I am a fan…. Just a good old fashioned slutty enough, super mainstream and commercial, redhead from TV, in an era where no one watches TV, so that she was forced to become a social media hit, posting just slutty enough pics to get the mass men who troll the internet into her and talking about her…while she just played it cool and innocent,…despite knowing she gets off to this shit…she fucking sits at home and fucks herself with her hairbrush while her gay boyfriend sexts with boys…because that’s the kind of wholesome girl I think she is…her marketing campaign…has worked….not overly naked, just naked enough to keep us coming back… that’s what none of thee naked bitches understand…you get more if you keep your damn clothes on….empowered…bullshit..this is where basic seduction is at… Here’s her tongue… The post Bella Thorne’s Street Walker Look of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne’s Street Walker Look of the Day

Christina Milian Shits on Catholicism for her Whorin’ Needs of the Day

Christina Milian – dressed up as a naughty nun – with upside down cross titties… I am not a religious man…and I realize we don’t live in a religious world…and that God as a concept is silly and that people just aren’t into believing in anything that tells them to have rules or morals and values as they’d rather be heathens taking nude pics of themselves….you know science and other factors kind of forced them into that train of thought…the other factors being raised in a society of porn and reality TV… But for some reason, I still find Christina Milian in slutty nun outfit…disgusting…probably because I find Christina Milian a stereotype, basic, and boring trying to be KIm Kardashian…getting naked or half naked while being a fucking mom…and not a mom forced to make money to raise her kid…both her and her baby daddy ex husband are richer than god…so all these half naked shit is all her…all ego…all self absorbed, thinking she’s hot, wanting any and all attention she can get…despite being a 35 year old mom.. I find the whole thing totally irresponsible, not to mention doing anything that offends the church to be controversial, is just so played out, it’s done, you’re not Madonna in the 90s…leave the fucking church and their small following alone…and keep your gutter stripper behavior to other equally generic ideas…like a french maid….or a fucking naughty fireman…you trashcan… It’s times like this where despite not believing in God, there turns out to be some retribution by god, where he strikes down on her for doing this to his followers…you know use her as the martyr to show us you actually exist…. But instead…she goes on producing low grade smut…garbage..expired…week old…not even current…garbage.. The post Christina Milian Shits on Catholicism for her Whorin’ Needs of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Christina Milian Shits on Catholicism for her Whorin’ Needs of the Day