I used to always confuse Hannah Ferguson for one of the other Sports Illustrated models that I have been told is an actual hooker you can rent for the night for 10k, or maybe it is 20k, I don’t know both are outrageous prices to someone like me – who wouldn’t really pay for sex unless it was more as a joke – like a 20 dollar blowjob or less…from a crackhead who wants more crack…but to me is less about paying for sex and more about helping a friend in need out…just after letting her suck my dick… The point being that 20k isn’t a lot of money for a lot of people, there are countless rich dudes, whether drug dealers and criminals, or corporate execs who are also criminals, or dot com business people on the hustle…where seeing a bitch from Sports Illustrated and being able to fuck her for 20k is worth it…a power play…but no different than the crackwhores I deal with..just on a different tax bracket..and the fact that some / a lot of these models are doing this…is not empowering, the whorification of america..it’s fucking gross…have some self respect…you fucking sluts addicted to the rich person lifestyle…so much that you’ll whore yourself for it… Now Hannah Ferguson could be a whore, a lot of them are, but I don’t have confirmation on that…but she is the kind of get naked for magazines that don’t matter but that are still putting content out for men…you know a girl who thinks she’s hot, and I guess is hot in the most basic and obvious form…and I guess she likes the attention or being celebrated while naked in magazines, and wants to be stared at…they all do…that’s why they do this…I mean if you have huge tits…you might as well use them… Maxim used to pay me for clicks – then they started sending me take down notices years later for pics they paid me to post – so I find them fucking annoying – but here are the pics anyway… The post Hannah Ferguson in Maxim of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Hannah Ferguson in Maxim of the Day