Tag Archives: her-crackhead

Nicole Richie Fake Tits for Fashion Week of the Day

Nicole Richie is the fucking devil….I can’t stand this trash and I hate the fact that she’s got a career of her own and is money making…I also hate that her company is located in Montreal because I am constantly tempted to stage some protests or flash mobs protesting the made in China products that I can only assume are made in sweatshops for her spoiled brat materialistic rich kid life….more importantly, I hate that her adopted ass didn’t follow the natural adopted kid route…you know the damaged, self destructive, unable to get her shit together, all thanks to living with not being wanted by your parents….all thanks to Lionel Richie throwing money at this cunt….so that she forgets her crackhead mother… But I do love the fact that after her babies….she got herself some implants…cuz implants save shitty tits… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Nicole Richie Fake Tits for Fashion Week of the Day