Tag Archives: throwing-money

Amazing Ye: Kanye Gives Paralyzed Fan Custom Yeezys For When He Gets Back On His Feet

WENN Kanye Gifts Fan In Physical Therapy Custom Yeezys Yeezys might not cure all, but they’re a pretty good incentive for a physical therapy patient. One of Kanye West’s fans posted a photo of the gift Kanye got him along with a heartfelt note of appreciation from the rapper: In Ye’s own handwriting, he told his fan that he was an inspiration and thanked him for sharing his journey. Tyler suffered from a spinal cord injury five years ago, and has been steadily making his way from being wheelchair-bound, to learning how to walk again. He is very open on his Instagram about all of his struggles and triumphs with his unfortunate paralyzation, and inspires others like him to not be ashamed of what they’re dealing with. Kanye saw Tyler’s inspirational posts about his journey, and sent the fan a pair of custom Yeezys. This comes just a few days after Kendrick was spotted helping out a disabled fan of his …look at all these rappers doing good!!!  

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Amazing Ye: Kanye Gives Paralyzed Fan Custom Yeezys For When He Gets Back On His Feet

Ice Cube Talks About Getting Booed Off Stage At The Apollo With NWA [Video]

Ice Cube Tells A Story From NWA’s Humble Beginnings As soon as those jerry curls hit the stage, it was over… Everyone knows the details from ‘Straight Outta Compton,’ but Ice Cube is here to give us a story about NWA before they made it big. The Los Angeles natives traveled across the country to New York to do a performance at The Apollo, but before they could even spit one word, “boos” filled the whole place. This story took place before they made it big, so nobody knew who they were…especially in New York. They ended up running into Rev Run after the show, who recognized Eazy-E. He told them to keep going, and not let that experience effect them because cats in New York just weren’t on their wave yet. Fast forward a couple years, the next time Ice Cube hit that Harlem stage, people were throwing money and knocking down doors to get in.

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Ice Cube Talks About Getting Booed Off Stage At The Apollo With NWA [Video]

Kendall Jenner Lingere Shoot for La Perla of the Day

Kendall Jenner just got paid a lot of money, I’m predicting well over a million dollars to be a hooker body for the panty company that may not be Victoria’s Secret, but Kendall already walked for Victoria’s Secret and thus La Perla wants to lock her into some exclusive contract deal to be the panties that cover her rank little exploited cunt…cunt….. The whole thing is stupid because she’s really not all that hot…but she’s got followers, she pushes product and brands like throwing money at dog shit….as long as it is rich dog shit….that people seem to like because she’s not as vile as her monster sister…because she’s the white one.. Terrible…overproduced, over paid trash…maybe I’m just a traditionalist is my lingerie catalog pics…make them like some 70s sears catalogs or what’s the fucking point….but I guess in the 70s…Sears only had 1,000,000 dollars a year in budget for the lingerie catalog including shipping…and couldn’t afford a Kendall Jenner and her stupid inflated bullshit…so look at us now..the supermodel concept that should have never been….because hot bitches will post naked for free….created this money grubbing troll monster…who just doesn’t seem to die.. The post Kendall Jenner Lingere Shoot for La Perla of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendall Jenner Lingere Shoot for La Perla of the Day

Cara Delevingne for DKNY Underwear of the Day

Cara Delevingne is the body or face of DKNY and she’s probably making a lot of money doing it, as she is the new Kate Moss….people seem to really give a shit about her and brands throw money at that…even when the people they are throwing money at don’t need the money…they already have a trust fuund…but I guess the more money she gets…the more heroin she can by…because I’ve been told by a lot of people, she’s the fucking worst Junkie around…with track marks all up and down her arms and legs…and I’d say her face tells a very similar story…a face that looks retarded and broken down…but the second it is in front of a camera…it’s good…like so many lies we’re exposed to every day…here’s Cara… TO SEE HER DISGUSTING HEROIN ADDICT MUTANT FACE IN SHORT SHORTS IN LA CLICK HERE

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Cara Delevingne for DKNY Underwear of the Day

Kendall Jenner’s Love Magazine Cover of the Day

Kendall Jenner is naked in the new issue of Love Magazine. I don’t know if it will be actual nudity, implied nudity, or really worth looking at, I just know the cover was released today and they have a couple other version that don’t star Kendall Jenner…like the Adriana Lima cover and the Amy Adams cover…but they have clothes on – because I guess they aren’t as big of whores as the Jenners… The whole Kardashian family is a scam, they don’t interest me, and I figure unless Kendall is following in her sister’s footsteps of getting peed on by black guys in video, there’s no point in looking at pics of her pretending to be a model because she can be a model…it is actually really easy work… Nudity isn’t what it was…everyone is naked – and sure I’ll look – but a nipple isn’t going to blow my fucking mind…however…more hardcore stuff will…she should try that route even if they family consensus is that Kim did the dirty work, now we can focus on fake careers that our access let’s us think we have because we’re such a huge deal…bullshit… But maybe this shoot will impress me, I guess we’ll have to wait and see, and I’ll tell you one thing, I’m not on the edge of my seat shaking in anticipation – who gives a fuck about this….

Kendall Jenner’s Love Magazine Cover of the Day

LeAnn Rimes Bikini Ass in Miami of the Day

LeAnn Rimes, Homewrecker, phoney Christian that the Christian market loves because they are trained to forgive their own when they sin, it’s a solid fucking market to connect with because they are dumb as fuck, throw money at scammers and buy into lies…like the whole Jesus thing… So this borderline breast implanted hooker who pretends to be a singer and who in her defence is really just a product of a stage mom, and marketing, and the industry that eats girls up… by making them feel inadequate and useless…throwing money at them…to make more money off of them…so she could be a lot fucking worse… She’s in her bikini…I am not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing…I just know it happened…and I am not offended by her ass as it eats all the bathing suit it can….but then again I’ve only been offended by one thing in recent years…a squirting video by a girl on tinder – 100 lbs too fat for her white trash pleather couch she was staining…but that has nothing to do with this sexual deviant at all.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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LeAnn Rimes Bikini Ass in Miami of the Day

LeAnn Rimes Bikini Ass in Miami of the Day

LeAnn Rimes, Homewrecker, phoney Christian that the Christian market loves because they are trained to forgive their own when they sin, it’s a solid fucking market to connect with because they are dumb as fuck, throw money at scammers and buy into lies…like the whole Jesus thing… So this borderline breast implanted hooker who pretends to be a singer and who in her defence is really just a product of a stage mom, and marketing, and the industry that eats girls up… by making them feel inadequate and useless…throwing money at them…to make more money off of them…so she could be a lot fucking worse… She’s in her bikini…I am not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing…I just know it happened…and I am not offended by her ass as it eats all the bathing suit it can….but then again I’ve only been offended by one thing in recent years…a squirting video by a girl on tinder – 100 lbs too fat for her white trash pleather couch she was staining…but that has nothing to do with this sexual deviant at all.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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LeAnn Rimes Bikini Ass in Miami of the Day

Iggy Azalea’s Stupid New Rap Video of the Day

Iggy Azalea is a bit of a man…I don’t care how many black dudes fuck her, or how many ass implants her fake stripper ass gets…I don’t care about how commercial and shitty her “hip pop” is…If anything I find it annoying no matter how popular she is. I don’t care how fake her storyline or her rap accent is..I get that people are throwing money at her because she’s popular on Youtube…I don’t care that they recreated clueless… I just care that this clown isn’t shaking her fake ass, to her fake music, with her fake storyline,scamming the fucking world…which in case you didn’t know is all that matters about her.. SHe’s the white snow flake hip hop Lady Gaga…weak, but at least she’s making money, because that’s all that matters. If you care, I’ve posted a bunch of her pics over the course of her lie of a career HERE

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Iggy Azalea’s Stupid New Rap Video of the Day

Trey Songz Arrested! Bandz Did Not Make Her Dance!

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After a wild night in a Queens strip club back in August, Trey Songz has JUST been arrested for allegedly throwing money at a chick…

Trey Songz Arrested! Bandz Did Not Make Her Dance!

Nicole Richie Fake Tits for Fashion Week of the Day

Nicole Richie is the fucking devil….I can’t stand this trash and I hate the fact that she’s got a career of her own and is money making…I also hate that her company is located in Montreal because I am constantly tempted to stage some protests or flash mobs protesting the made in China products that I can only assume are made in sweatshops for her spoiled brat materialistic rich kid life….more importantly, I hate that her adopted ass didn’t follow the natural adopted kid route…you know the damaged, self destructive, unable to get her shit together, all thanks to living with not being wanted by your parents….all thanks to Lionel Richie throwing money at this cunt….so that she forgets her crackhead mother… But I do love the fact that after her babies….she got herself some implants…cuz implants save shitty tits… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Nicole Richie Fake Tits for Fashion Week of the Day