Tag Archives: her-inspire

Rita Ora is Slutty of the Day

Rita Ora is in a bikini – reminding us all – and by us all I mean some of her fans who follow her because of her great tits – but mainly the rich and connected dudes who think she’s some kind of celebrity and quality pussy worthy of hooking up because of her tits – It’s as simple as that – if you’ve got the tits, the drive and the eagerness, because I know great tits that have achieved zero..and I know small tits, probably hotter and more talented than this vessel for the big tits, who have also achieved zero, when all they needed was a big set of tits to take them there… I know Rita Ora tits are insanely huge, but they are big enough to make an eager, talentless twat worth hooking up a record deal or TV show hosting job….even though no one really knows why she exists… The post Rita Ora is Slutty of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Rita Ora is Slutty of the Day

Pamela Anderson Topless and Menopausal for PETA of the Day

I just ate chicken and bacon, but that doesn’t mean I don’t respect animals, I mean it kind of does since I don’t need to be eating animals, I don’t really love the taste, yet I just ate murdered animal because it was on my sandwich for no real nutritional reason, and I guess meat in and of itself as a concept is vile… But I like to think I do it to increase my carbon footprint, to help destroy the planet, knowing how much of the world’s resources go into feeding livestock for us to eat, when we don’t need to eat it, and to transport livestock that we don’t need to eat, yet we eat, because we are idiots… So I get what Pam Anderson is doing here for PETA, getting topless, fighting FUR, it’s important..it’s just weird and shameless to see Pam Anderson and her plastic surgery ridden everything at 50 getting naked to promote anything…and those tits…they can’t be animal friendly…or anything friendly…but at least they are being put to use to save cute animals from dying…for excess even though she’s excessive… The post Pamela Anderson Topless and Menopausal for PETA of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Pamela Anderson Topless and Menopausal for PETA of the Day

Adriana Lima’s Interesting Outfit of the Day

Adriana Lima posted some slutty pics of herself that don’t look like herself because the real Adriana Lima is an old, bloated, thick, monster who still gets work thanks to a contract, a recognized name, great eyes, and most importantly, PHOTOSHOP… But I am into the thong from behind fashion art going on here, because all art that is not really art but rather smutty nonsense with some Victoria’s Secret promo model who made millions off this shit…is worth looking at, even if it’s just for a minute… Racy… The post Adriana Lima’s Interesting Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Adriana Lima’s Interesting Outfit of the Day

Bella Thorne Wild and Crazy of the Day

A day is not a day on the internet…without some Bella Thorne erotica… She is out there bringing it…and I don’t really know what bringing it is but that’s all I have to say about her antics… Other than let her inspire you to bring it….bra top…titties out…out of control because being a rich Disney Kid shouldn’t stop you from being an exhibitionist, instead it clearly encourages it, but remember you don’t need to be a Disney Kid to be an exhibitionist either, just put me on the BCC of of your naughtiness…I like participating…or I guess that’s just voyeurism…either way keep it up….I have nothing better to do.. I don’t know what she’s all about…but she’s living it…. The post Bella Thorne Wild and Crazy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Thorne Wild and Crazy of the Day