Tag Archives: her-intentions

Montana Lower Naked for Simon Everiss of the DAy

Montana Lower should lower herself on all of your dicks, because when a girl is out there trying to get famous or seen, she should be the one doing the work…not the other way around… Why should you try to prove yourself by making her cum, or even squirt, like some asshole trying to live up to the sexts he sent on TINDER to get to this moment of fucking in the first place….forcing a motherfucker to practically have a heart attack by fucking her athletically like some kind of fitness guru as she just lays there as the hot girl..banging the fuck out of her as she watches and checks her instagram likes…or googles herself to see if anything happened on social while she’s out “socializing” to get ahead… It’s all part of the biz… If Montana Lower is not interested in getting famous, seen or noticed, and is just having a good time and dealing with being a cute girl…and the struggles being cute…by posting to instagram and doing these “shoots”…naked…and I’m wrong about her intentions…of trying to get rich, famous, or fucked by the rich and famous…I’d be surprised..since all girls, every single one of them is an opportunist using sex appeal to get ahead…you know…FEMINSM… DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY.. The post Montana Lower Naked for Simon Everiss of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Montana Lower Naked for Simon Everiss of the DAy

Montana Lower Naked for Simon Everiss of the DAy

Montana Lower should lower herself on all of your dicks, because when a girl is out there trying to get famous or seen, she should be the one doing the work…not the other way around… Why should you try to prove yourself by making her cum, or even squirt, like some asshole trying to live up to the sexts he sent on TINDER to get to this moment of fucking in the first place….forcing a motherfucker to practically have a heart attack by fucking her athletically like some kind of fitness guru as she just lays there as the hot girl..banging the fuck out of her as she watches and checks her instagram likes…or googles herself to see if anything happened on social while she’s out “socializing” to get ahead… It’s all part of the biz… If Montana Lower is not interested in getting famous, seen or noticed, and is just having a good time and dealing with being a cute girl…and the struggles being cute…by posting to instagram and doing these “shoots”…naked…and I’m wrong about her intentions…of trying to get rich, famous, or fucked by the rich and famous…I’d be surprised..since all girls, every single one of them is an opportunist using sex appeal to get ahead…you know…FEMINSM… DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY.. The post Montana Lower Naked for Simon Everiss of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Montana Lower Naked for Simon Everiss of the DAy

Elle Brittain for Oyster Magazine of the Day

On June 10, I made the mistake of calling out some random model who got naked for either a photographer or a campaign for being some attention seeking girl who just craves fame like so many of these models before her….I guess when she came across it, she didn’t see the humor in me calling her out for being a model willing to get topless for a little attention, with hopes of fame, all while posing for free…instead she wrote me mean emails, hit me up on social media, where she was also mean…and as it turns out…she will not be having sex with me this weekend or really any weekend. So…the key to talking about models I’ve never heard of, especially when I find them amazing, is to not make them feel bad or like idiots for getting naked, but rather to encourage their nudity so that they do more of it, since when you find a girl willing to get naked for free…you keep her around and keep getting her naked for free…you don’t call her out intentions that may not even be her intentions…like maybe none of these girls want to be famous, they just like being naked… Today, I am learning to celebrate the babes who get naked…rather than tease them…because that’s the write thing to do in this Politically Correct Christian run society….at least when dealing with topless tits…

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Elle Brittain for Oyster Magazine of the Day

Luisana Lopilato Big Tittiesin Miami of the Day

Luisana Lopilato is Michael Buble’s pregnant 25 year old groupie wife from Argentina.. She was a slut from one of his music videos who has now secured a solid retirement plan via her uterus…living the good life…thanks to being hot and his want for a hot girl…… and her want for someone rich and famous… It will open doors for her…and give her security…while giving him a “normal” life…with young tight immigrant vagina…..he can pretend isn’t into him for his fame and fortune….when we all know if he wasn’t Buble….she wouldn’t even notice him in a room…. But he is Buble…and being Buble means filtering though all the pussy thrown his way…and deciding which one is the least obvious about her intentions and who comes with the best tits….and this is the prize fucking hen… Earlier reports came out that they were having a baby boy…..and she posted this KEEK….. Mar 14, 2013 | But I think the above pic is really the story we’re into…..she’s not pregnant enough to be disgusting…. To See the Pics Follow the Link

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Luisana Lopilato Big Tittiesin Miami of the Day