I have nothing to say about Courtney Stodden….at least nothing I haven’t said before….like that she’s not actually 16….that is just a lie to get people talking about her and her irrelevant fake husband who probably promised to mkae her famous wherever he met her stripping…. She is likely in her early 30s…hard faced, fake tits, and the fact people talk about her amazes me….while reminding me how doomed America is….because there are actual things you should fill your brain wih than knowing this garbage exists….. She puts out these themed bikini pics, whehter for Xmas, Valentines Day, and I find them boring, typical, obvious, uninteresting, even if her body is good enough to stare at half naked… I just think she should be in porn already….this sitting on the fence in her obscure grey area just doesn’t do it for me…If she’s got the look, got no shame, is willing to humilate herself, it might as well be done with cum dripping on her face…not self produced bunny ear pics that don’t make me want to easter egg hunt in her uterus….but instead make me want to fatten her up and shoot her fo rabbit stew dinner… Cunt be wastin my time… To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US
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Courtney Stodden is an Old Stripper in an Easter Themed Publicity Stunt Bikini Pics of the Day