Tag Archives: her-legitimate

Kate Bosworth Nipples of the DAy

I just saw that Kate Bosworth was in Montreal the other day – and I stupidly didn’t know this before she was here – and I didn’t go profess my love for her by throwing my semen at her – before getting arrested because semen is a controlled substance that you’re not legally allowed to throw at people – even if you’ve been saving it up in a jar next to your bed since you first saw Kate Bosworth in whatever it is she was first in….only to have her drop charges after tasting it and realizing it’s sugary goodness…making her addicted to my sperm and hiring me as her sperm factory she locks in her pool house making her a shot a day….because that’s the kind of fantasy I have… I like that she’s skinny, I like her legs, her face, she is what all girls should look like, so if I ever made billions and could build a woman producing lab in my basement…we’d factor in a little bit of this in the design… She’s old and still looks like this… The post Kate Bosworth Nipples of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Bosworth Nipples of the DAy

Sarah Hyland Hard Nipples of the Day

Sarah Hyland despite looking like a haggard 14 year old with a drug addiction – who all you perverts watched on her show and loved on her show because she looked 14 – has nipples – and she’s not scared to show them off – because she probably feels like she’s sold her soul to the industry, you might as well also take her tits, like her parents too her money…after selling her off to the world… BUT…maybe it’s just the no bra style…that is the no bra style all girls big titty and small titty alike are into….but not quite as into it as us… The post Sarah Hyland Hard Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sarah Hyland Hard Nipples of the Day

Bella Thorne Gets Eyebrows TATTOOED of the Day

Life as a fair skinned ginger fame whore is rough…you know drawing in your eyebrows everyday – but luckily the world is vain enough to have a solution for that, to appease her vanity, her insecurity, her self absorbed narcissism that would rationalize her fame whore whoring….you know her putting out pictures that she thinks she looks hot in, for people to believe, when really they aren’t her legitimate self…but who needs legitmate self when you can live on a computer or cell phone via social media… She’s clearly a vapid twat, who would tattoo her eyebrows, in an era when 12 year olds are getting brazilian waxes and face fillers….life…it’s so ridiculous… I still think she’s 50…this is something 50 year olds would do… The post Bella Thorne Gets Eyebrows TATTOOED of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne Gets Eyebrows TATTOOED of the Day