Tag Archives: her-something

Russian Anastasiya Scheglova Would Make A Great Mail-Order Bride

Pretty sure I’ve introduced you guys to this Russian super-babe before, but in case you missed Anastasiya Scheglova last time, you’re definitely going to want to pay extra attention to this latest bikini photoshoot of hers. I still don’t know too much more about Anastasiya, but she’s smoking hot and has a killer bikini body, and that’s more than enough for me to propose. And I think this time I might actually have a chance, since I can offer her something of value for once. No, not the Tuna Bump. I’m talking about a green card. Call me!

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Russian Anastasiya Scheglova Would Make A Great Mail-Order Bride

Catch Fade…. At Preschool Graduation?? [Video]

Parents Fight At Preschool Graduation This is some mess: According to the parent who shot the video at Weemes Elementary School in Los Angeles: “This all started because my son’s teacher was so unorganized. Basically because of budget issues all the kids had to share a cap and gown for pictures. One of the moms in the video was basically taking over and the other one didn’t like it and told her something about it. The sad part wa Turn the page for the graphic video

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Catch Fade…. At Preschool Graduation?? [Video]

Jessica Alba Needs to Go Back to Pregnancy of the Day

Jessica Alba needs to go back to babymaking, at least that will give her something she can pretend to be proud of, you know minor purpose in her life, cuz based on this recent publicity tour for Machete, she’s totally fuckin’ done. Irrelevant and hated by all men for ruining herself with that whole hole in condom trick that brought her a kid that will never let her man Cash Warren leave her…. Remember, with irrelevance comes sex tapes….not that you want to see the mangled mom pussy, but I know I do….for reasons deeper than seeing a mangled mom pussy….and those reasons are that she had a no-nudity clause and I need to be reminded that when push comes to shove, all women are whores….even mothers trying to get noticed again….

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Jessica Alba Needs to Go Back to Pregnancy of the Day

Gary Coleman 911 call video

“He just got home, I heard this big bang, I went downstairs. Blood everywhere,” she says. “I don#39;t know if he#39;s okay. I#39;m not down there right now because I have a fever, if I get stressed out I#39;m going to faint.” Shannon Price, 24,Gary Coleman#39;s wife tells the operator that Coleman was stricken while preparing her something to eat the evening of May 26 downstairs in their Santaquin, Utah, home. Gary Coleman#39;s panicked wife initially balked at helping him after he suffered

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Gary Coleman 911 call video