Tag Archives: her-surfboard

Top 50 Girls in Bed To Inspire Lasting Longer in Bed of the Day

My friends at PROMESCENT created a pretty amazing product that helps you last longer in bed, something I’m sure most of you can use, because you want to maximize the hour you paid for and you don’t want to have it all over and done with 5 minutes in….or maybe you actually landed a real girl, in which case, you want to keep her around for a few more rounds, since it’s such a rare thing….and the way to do it is to LAST LONGER IN BED So I decided to compile the best 50 pics I could find of girls in bed, to make you want to LAST LONGER IN BED and here it is…. TO FIND OUT MORE ON LASTING LONGER IN BED CLICK HERE

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Top 50 Girls in Bed To Inspire Lasting Longer in Bed of the Day

Anastasia Ashley in Some City Surfing of the Day

Anastasia Ashley is a professional surfer – who you may or may not recognize from her hot, round surfer ass. She was recently in NYC where she shot these pictures with photographer LAST SUSPECT …that involved her in a bathing suit, rockin’ her surfboard in the middle of Manhattan, and I think the whole thing is pretty awesome. Sure, I’d rather see her doing squats naked in her sex tape that I like to think every surfer should have, I mean every girl should have…and sure, I’d rather see her surfing naked in leaked photos from her hacked iCloud…and sure anything that involves seeing genitals is better than this…but I guess not everything is about genitals…you pervert. Some things are also about round asses in bathing suits lookin’ good enough to want to pull a back alley shark attack, you know to help make her feel like her urban surfing is actually ocean surfing….right.

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Anastasia Ashley in Some City Surfing of the Day